There was so much food placed on the table and all of them were my favourite! "Who cooked this?" I asked while drooling over all the dishes.

"Of course me!" He said proudly.

My eyes widened. "Why?"

"For you." He gave me an eye smile and I won't be exaggerating if I say that my heart stopped beating at that very moment. "Now c'mon! Taste it!"
He served me all the dishes.

I took a first bite and closed my eyes to enjoy it's taste. "Mhmm... It's amazing!" I cheered.

"Really?!" He himself took a bite. His eyes lightened up. "Wow! I did a pretty good job!" He smiled.

"You did an amazing job! But why did you do it?" I asked. What was the need for all of this? I am sure that it's not my birthday and not even our one month anniversary.

"As an appology. I was so sorry to wake you up this morning. So, I wanted to do something for you... And here it is!" He chirped.

I giggled at his cuteness. "Thank you so much, Jimin... But it wasn't needed." I smiled. "I wasn't expecting this at all!"

"Well... You know best things comes when they are least expected."

We had a long conversation and I won't lie if I'll say that my heart didn't beat at it's normal pace for even a second.

After finishing our dinner, Jimin held my hand and took me to the terrace. To my surprise, a mattress was already placed on the floor along with two blankets and many cushions.

We sat down on the mattress and covered ourselves with separate blankets. The sky was unexpectedly looking more beautiful. The stars and the moon were shining more than usual. Or maybe, that was just my imagination because I was really happy at that time. The sky was looking breath takingly beautiful but the 'creature' sitting beside me was looking no less than an angel under the light falling on his skin and glowing it.

I kept on staring at him for a moment and then shifted my gaze back to the sky. I hesitantly kept my head on his shoulder. His body stiffened for a moment but then relaxed again. The beauty of the night sky and the skin contact with the love of my life was so relaxing and calming that I couldn't help but to fall asleep...

(Sorry for the changes in p.o.v.)

"See! A shooting star!" I pointed in the direction expecting a reaction from Y/n but when I didn't receive any I turned my face only to find her sleeping comfortably while resting her head on my shoulder. She was looking so peaceful and beautiful. I couldn't help but smile at her.

What is happening to me? Whenever I see her my heart races faster than a bullet and a smile creeps up on my face without any actual reason...

Gently, I scooped her small frame in my arms and took her to her bedroom. I placed her on her bed and covered her properly with a blanket. She was looking so beautiful and cute that I couldn't help myself but to stare at her.

"So cute..." I mumbled under my breath and involuntarily placed a light kiss on her forehead. I smiled to myself and immediately left the room.


(On a weekend)

We were sitting on our living room's couch playing games together. It was so much fun. I guess, having Y/n as my friend is the best thing ever. But... The question is, do I really consider her only my friend? Do I really don't have any other feeling towards her other than of friendship?

When we were playing, a picture of cake suddenly popped up in front of me. Oh no.... I started craving to eat a cake! I looked at Y/n and her eyes were glued on the television. I cleared my throat to seek her attention but she didn't noticed. I coughed, sneezed and even called her but she ignored me! She was so 'busy' playing that she didn't even bother that her husband was calling her!

Unpredictable || pjm [JIMIN] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now