The Truth Untold

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(Y/n)'s pov

"Goodmorning princess~~"

"Mom? Why are you here? I thought you were on a business trip?"

"Well, we have something to tell you... its very important.... get ready and we'll gonna eat first then were going to have a small talk with you.."

"Uhm okay..."

I got up from bed and took a shower , I chose a white camisole and a dark blue blazer, partnering it with a black leggings and a white rubber shoes

********Dining area**********

"Hon, come sit here next to me"

My dad motion me to sat next to him, and I saw all the bangtan members and their manager

"Hey noona!" "Goodmorning (y/n)!"~~

"So what are we going to talk about?"

"Well... were gonna talk about it later in the living room"

"Wait mom, when did you come here in my island?"

"Oh honey, just this morning why?"

"uh nothing hehe"

We finished our meal and head to the living room, still feeling uneasy.. what does my parent want to talk about? And why is their manager here?

"Sit down everyone..."

No one's pov

The tension of being nervous can be felt through the entire room even just by looking at it.. not just those who are called .. but also for those who's gonna tell the truth that have been kept and hidden for some years a secret

"So.." shi-hyuk started

"I know.. you already have your powers.."

The 8 younger people were shock about that their secret is not really a secret to their close person's.. even (y/n)... she dont even know about her parents knowing it

"Please dont be shock.. and... just listen to us.."

"W-w-wait! So does it mean.... you really know about us having these?"

"Yes.. and you ... the eight of you... are the last prince's and princess of the powerful world.... your parents now are just your... well guardians lets say.."

"Oh wait.. even me?" (Y/n) ask confuse

"Yes hon... you see, your real parents died 364 years ago... and... the capsules where the eight of you were kept ,melt ..we stand as your parents... we will die after you all become ready ruling and making the world better..."

"So what is pd-nim?"

"Im an immortal... I will serve as your teacher in your lifetime... and that mean for a hundred years... and one more thing... one of you will be (y/n)'s ... future spouse.. and the rest will have to find their soulmates for love.. but your all are her soulmates but just a bestfriends..."

Most of the boys sulked on their sits.. heart sunken on their chest... only one of them will be (y/n)'s future husband...

SIIIKKKEEEE!!! How was it? Just comment your thoughts and if you like it do vote!

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