"I just mean he doesn't look like a player to me," Asher said clarifying his point.

"And I'm asexual but do I look one?" he asked cocking his head.

"WHAT!" Asher exclaimed.

I was laughing so hard that there was no sound coming out.

"Yes I'm asexual," Jake said with a nonchalant shrug. "Maybe we should all wear signs telling people what our sexualities are, is that what you want?"

This was so much better that I finally understood how Alexis felt each time Kai, Jake or I argued-pure bliss.

Just then Kai decided to grace us with his presence.

"What's going on?" he asked and sat down next to Asher who looked flushed and embarrassed.

"They-they are arguing over y-you," I answered in between laughs.

Kai turned to the two arguing, "why are you arguing over me? I mean I know I'm attractive and smoking hot but I didn't think you two rolled that way, especially you Jake," he said with a smirk.

Someone kill me now, because this was beyond hilarious. It almost made me forget that Alexis was having her surgery and Leah was donating her bone marrow to her.

"There's nothing wrong with being gay," Jake said. "The LGBTQIA community welcomes everyone with different sexualities and I'm proud to be a part of such an inclusive community."

"I'm not gay!" Asher shouted and everyone turned to look at him with shocked expressions.

James left his parents, my mom and Asher's mom and joined us.

"Asher stop denying your true self," he said as he plopped down next to Jake. "Everyone pretty much knows that you roll that way."

I had to clutch my stomach from all the laughing and wipe away the tears that brimmed in my eyes.

Asher stood up and glared at each and every one of us before he stormed off to the bathroom and everyone joined me in laughing.

A few minutes later, a nurse came into the waiting room and I sobbed up as we all stood up waiting to hear the news.

"Leah has been moved to room 403 and she is asleep at the moment," she said. "You can see now if you'd like too but only family," she said and turned to leave.

"What about Alexis? How is she?" James asked the question that everyone wanted to ask so badly.

"She's still in the operating room, that's all I know for now," she said before she left.

Mom and I went to room 403 to see Leah. She was lying peacefully and for once she looked like an angel and not a little devil who liked to ruin my life each waking day.

Mom sat on the chair next to her bed and held her hand in hers while I sat at the edge.

"Hey sweetie," she said tentatively and Leah slowly opened her eyes to meet mom's. "How are you feeling?"

"Like I've been run over by a truck," Leah answered with a small smile. "It wasn't what I expected."

"And what did you expect?" I asked.

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