Chapter 12 - Feelings and Attack

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Reader's Pov:

There was one week left until my coronation, and everyone was trying their best to keep my stress levels low. Levi wasn't by my side as much as my father would like. Hell, he wasn't by my side much at all.

"Princess, please sit down. You're overworking yourself again!" One of the maids, Christa, said. "I have to keep going or the preparations won't be finished at this rate.." I said while shaking my head.

"(Y/n) we're ahead of schedule because you're overworking yourself. If you don't rest you won't be well for the coronation itself!" Eren protests.

I scowled at him before I was picked up bridal style without permission, making me yelp in surprise. "Woah, Sir Levi! Should you be so bold?!" Christa panicked.

I saw Eren grin from the corner of my eye. "It's cool, Christa, come on, let's finish preparations. Levi! Make her rest!" Eren said.

"Eren, wait!" I shouted after him. I tried squirming out of Levi's arms, but he doesn't let me go and carries me away from the Hall. "Levi! Put me down! Eren doesn't order you, I do!" I said.

"Yes, but I'm afraid I'll have to follow his orders for now. You're in no condition to work further." He lays me down on my bed, and I immediately try to get out.

"Tch. I leave your side for a few days and this is how you treat me? And you're not well, either. Seems you're helpless without me." He comments.

"Yeah, so what if I am?" I look at him and saw that he was shocked from my honesty. "It doesn't mean I'm going to halt my life for you. You obviously don't accept my feelings, so I'll rule without a King."

I was about to get off my bed until Levi grabbed my wrist. I began turning back around to face him. "What n-" I was interrupted when his lips met mine, making my eyes go wide.

He then pulls away slowly and bows his head, his foreheads resting on my shoulder. "You have it all wrong...I do return your feelings. I want to be by your side no matter what, but I don't know if being king is the way to go...I want to protect you with my life, but I know being King means that I can't do that." He said.

I stared at the top of his head in shock before smiling to myself. He didn't give me an answer because of how much he cares for me...just like Eren said.

I lift his head to look at me and gave him a reassuring smile. "Remember what I told you at the beginning of your job? I'm not your ordinary damsel in distress, I'll be able to take care of myself. Levi. Please, rule beside me. I'm asking you as the future queen." I told him.

I then kissed him on the lips. He kissed back, making me smile slightly before pulling away. "...All right, I will."

I smiled a big smile. Before I could tackle him into a hug, there was a knock on the door. I sighed before answering. "Who is it?"

"It's Christa! I'm sorry to disturb you, Your Highness, but we have a situation going on in the Hall! Prince Eren told me to get you!" She reported. "What?!"

I immediately jumped out of bed and rushed to the Hall with Christa and Levi on my tail. When I arrived, I immediately scowled at the situation before me.

"Erwin Smith...let my brother go." I said. He was holding a sword to Eren's neck, and he had a grin on his face. "Not until you hand over the throne to me!"

The Bloodless War (Guard!Levi x Princess!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now