Chapter 11 - I Choose You

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The title is pretty straight forward...I'll just leave it like it is...


Okay! Fine! I'll actually write something for once! 😂😂😂

Reader's Pov:

"All right, what is it?" Levi asked. I offered him to sit in the chair that I had on my balcony. He raised his eyebrows at me but sits down anyways. I take a deep breath before speaking.

"As you know, I have to choose a suitor before becoming queen." I began. He nodded, listening intently.

"Well, I have decided on one. Before I tell you who he is, I want you to know that I'm sure with my decision. I've thought it over at least a dozen times, and I'm satisfied with it." I said.

He looked at me with a confused expression. "Okay, I'm happy for you and all, but why would I need to know who he is?" Levi asked.

I take another deep breath before looking at him straight in the eye. "Because, Levi, it's you. I want you to help me rule."

He looked at me in shock. I turn away from him. "Of course, I won't force you. I know how much your job means to you. Being King means that you would have to give up everything. I don't even know if you even feel the same way..." I trailed off.

"Would...I be able to protect you as King?"

I turn towards him. "What?" He looked up at me. "Would I be able to protect you as King of Zethana?" He asked. My eyes widened at his question. "I mean, I guess..I don't have much experience in that area myself."

Levi nodded and stood up from his seat. "I'll give it some thought. In the meantime.." He walked over to me and put a hand on my cheek. "May I?"

"Uh..sure.." I stuttered. He smiled in the slightest before leaning down slowly and pressing his lips against mine. I close my eyes and melt against him.

After some time, we pulled away. I looked away and scratched the back of my neck. "I-If you need, you can take a break." I told him.

He thanked me and walked off my balcony. I sighed and sat in the chair that Levi once sat in. I guess I need to start preparing for the coronation. King or no king, I'm going to be queen in two weeks.

"(Y/n).." I looked over and saw Eren walking in. "Hey Eren." I greeted. "You know, there's nothing to worry about." He said.

I looked at him with a skeptical look. "What do you mean?" I asked. He grinned. "I went through the same thing with Mikasa. Levi loves you, (Y/n). It's just a lot to take in. That's why he kissed you. It was just some reassurance."

"Easier for you to say. You don't have a coronation to worry about. Ugh, what is Dad going to say about this?" I stressed.

"Don't stress yourself. Come on, let's get some preparations done to get your mind off of Levi." Eren suggested. I sighed before nodding.

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