Chapter 3 - Princess's Backstory

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Get ready because I don't think you're prepared for your own past! Enjoy! 😊

Levi's Pov:

I was looking through the library when I found the book I was looking for. It was the history of the people who live in the palace of Zethana.

She should be one of the first few people in this book, right? This book is brand new, after all, so I don't think her ancestors would be in this book.

I sit down in the rocking chair that was close by and opened the book up. A few pages in, and I had found her history. There you are. Let's see what I'm protecting, now.

Princess (Y/n) (L/n) is not your ordinary princess. She isn't one to go down as a damsel in distress that easily. She'll put up a fight no matter who she is up against. That is why Zethana is excited to have her as their next ruler.

Her will to fight began at a young age, at five years old, to be exact. As any other princess, she rebels against the rules and snuck out of her chambers. She was passing the King and Queen's chambers when she heard glass breaking. She knew something was wrong.

She went inside the chambers and saw that King (F/n) was passed out on the floor due to a piece of glass stuck into his side. Queen (M/n) had rebelled and began trying to search for riches, according to detectives.

Princess (Y/n) was caught in the queen's deadly grasp. According to the princess, her exact words were, "You tell anyone and you're next".

Knowing that there was no hope for her mother, the princess fought against her mother, and won. The King and Princess were sought out for medical treatment while the Queen was made sure she was dead for good.

Ever since that instance, King (F/n) made it a rule for the princess to keep some kind of escort with her when she is out of her chambers. It is known that Princess (Y/n) is haunted by that memory even to this very day. That's why she fights. To make sure her people don't have the same haunting memory as her.

I close the book and sunk in my thoughts. No wonder why her eyes looked so cold. She can't trust anyone. How is she supposed to find a suitor like that before she goes to her coronation?

"So, now you know." I look over my shoulder and saw King (F/n) walking into the library. "(Y/n) had to kill her own mother to save both of our lives. I owe her my life. Please, Levi, protect my daughter with yours."

I bow my head in respect. "I swear I'll protect her, even if I have to die to do it." I said. He smiled at me. "Thank you. That eases my old heart. Now, only if that girl could find a suitor." He chuckled.

"All due respect, Your Majesty, but do you really expect her to find someone when you know it's hard for her to trust someone?" I asked. "She may be a strong, independent woman, but ruling a country will be no easy task. She'll need someone at her side to help her along the way." He explained.

I nodded to his words. "Understood, Your Majesty."

Oooh someone's intrigued 😂👌 now you know that your mom aka the Queen was a psycho! Now that the backstories are done, the story will progress the next chapter! 😊

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