Chapter 4 - Warming Up

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Reader's Pov:

I wake up at the usual time when the maids wake me for my bath. Of course, I can't be trusted to do things by myself when it involves my health, so...yeah.

After I was dressed and ready to go, there was a knock on the door. "Hold on, Levi! She's almost ready!" One of the maids called.

I was putting my shoes on as the maid called out to him. After I put my shoes on, I stand up and walk over to the door.

The maid standing by the door opened it for me and I walked out to see Levi standing up straight at my presence. He bowed to me as I approached him.

"Day 1, Levi Ackerman. Anything you would like to run by me before we start?" I asked. He stands up straight once again.

"I'm sorry about the whole ordeal between you and your mother. I understand your intentions of ruling the kingdom now, Your Highness." He said.

"It's all right. I understand that you had a rough past before serving my father fully. We're both even. But tell me something, Levi. Can I trust you? Will I be able to lay my life down in your hands when the time comes? Will you always be loyal to me and only me?" I asked.

He bows his head. "You have my solemn vow. I'll protect you at all costs." He said. "Good. Let's go, then. We're late for breakfast." I said.

He raises his head and follows me to the dining room where breakfast was being held at. Dad was already sitting at his side of the table, waiting for my appearance.

"Ah, (Y/n). You're late." He stated. "Sorry. I had to clear some things up." I apologized.

I walked to my end of the table and sat in the chair held for me. One of the butlers pushed my chair in and Levi stood by my side.

"Understandable. So, how is the suitor hunting going?" He asked.

Levi's Pov:

Ever since our meeting at her chambers, Princess (Y/n)'s eyes seemed to ease a little bit. When I swore my loyalty to her, she didn't gaze at me with her stone cold (e/c) glare anymore. It was as if she needed reassurance that someone was on her side...

"So, how is the suitor hunting going?"

Princess (Y/n)'s grip on her fork tightened at the mentioning of the noblemen that were standing in line for the place of being her husband and future king of Zethana.

She closes her eyes and calmly puts her fork down. "It's nothing to concern you with. I wish you would rest easy." She states.

"I will once I'm informed Zethana has a future king that will help my daughter!" King (f/n) retorted. The princess sighed. "Look, I haven't made up my mind yet. I'm going through the paperwork as fast and thorough as I can."

"Well, it doesn't have to be just from the paperwork! If you like someone else, even if it's a staff from the palace or a commoner, you can choose them! But remember, they must give up their daily life to reign beside you." The King informed.

She nodded to his words and that's when breakfast was included. One of the butlers came in with her schedule and she looked it over. "Hey, Levi, I didn't know you still trained the guards." She said.

"Huh?" I asked. "Well, with you as my personal guard, I have to inspect your training today. Apparently you do some training?" She asked. "Oh, I guess. They got a new Captain, so they call me in once in a while to show them a few pointers." I informed.

"Well, use this training to show me what you can do." She said. "Yes, Your Highness."

The Bloodless War (Guard!Levi x Princess!Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon