Y/N was woken up by a loud banging on her door. She let out a groan and ignore the noise outside her door but it didn't stop.

"Y/N! Get your ass up Mom needs you to do grocery shopping with her!" Jimin said loudly enough for her sister to get annoyed.

Y/N didn't budge on her sleeping comfy position on her beloved bed.

"Are you really going to stay there the whole day?"

"Yeah." She replied groggily eyes still close.

"You don't want Aunt Jihye to see you procrastinating without giving her a decent welcome, do you?"

Aunt Jihye? Jeon Jihye?

And then it hit her like a rock, she bolted out of her bed faster than a ligthning to do her morning routine.

Jimin heard her feet scampered a signal for him that she's finally awake.

Shit! How could I forget?!

Today is the day the Jeon will arrive.

Y/n went downstairs right after she changed her clothes. Her mom was already waiting at the door.

"Well that was fast." Mrs.Park said while looking at her wrist watch.

"Jimin, clean your room throw out the garbage and also when I get back I want to see the guest room tidy."

"Copy that!" Jimin replied taking out a broom and dustpan upstairs.


"Y/n I forgot the milk stay here, I'll be right back." Mrs.Park disappeared in an aisle to get the milk, Y/n was left standing in a long line with the cart full in front of her.

"Y/n!" She turned around to see a friend of his brother waving at her.

"Oh hi Hoseok!" She waved back.

"That's a lot of grocery right there." He said pointing at the cart behind her.

"Yeah. Relatives are coming so mother has to feed everybody and make sure we are full." She said in sarcasm tone earning a chuckle from Hoseok.

"By relatives, your cousin you mean?" He asked moving forward as Y/n did pushing her cart as the line moves.

"Yeah. How do you know?"

"Jimin told me. I heard he's a soccer player in Busan too?" The dark haired girl frowned at him.

Really? That's cool.

"Ah..yes he is." She replied

It's just sad that I didn't heard this from him himself. I have to hear it from Jimin's friend which is not even related to Jungkook.

Mrs.Park came back not long after before it was their turn to pay at the counter. The dark haired boy greeted her mother and talked with her a bit.

"Come drop by the house sometime Hoseok, it's been awhile since the house had such a noise." Mrs.Park said pulling out her credit card out of her wallet.

"Will do Auntie. Maybe next week."

"Tell the others to come as well." She added.

"For sure aunt, can't wait to crash around your house again." He said putting  his own groceries on the counter .

"We'll see you around Hoseok, bye!"

"Bye Auntie Bye Y/n!"


y/n helped her mother prepare their dinner. She chopped all the ingredients that needed to be chopped and fried the ones that needed to be fried. It was exhausting but she thought it'd be worth it once their guest have arrived.

Jimin and their father have left already to fetch the Jeon at the train station.

Y/n started to arrange the table right after they finished cooking.

"Mom, I'll take a shower first. Do you need anymore things?" Y/n asked while putting the last spoon above the napkin.

"You go take a shower now my baby, You stink so bad." Mrs.Park teased scrunching up her nose as a joke.

"You do too mom!" Y/n said giggling running upstairs to take a shower.

As Y/N was drying her hair she heard the car engine on their front yard. A slamming of the car doors, their front door opening and her Mother's delighted voice outside.

The giddy feeling inside her stomach cannot be stop. She was excited yet nervous at the same time.

She look out her window, there outside below her, her Auntie hugging her Mother while Jimin and her dad help their uncle on taking out their luggages. But someone is missing.

As soon as the frown etched on her face the backseat door on the other side opened. A tall figure went out of the car wearing a cap and a black hoody, making it hard for Y/N to see his face clearly.

I'll see him later anyways She sigh.

She can already tell that a lot have changed in him. He had gotten more taller, just by seeing him standing next to Jimin. The comparison between their height is no joke. (Sorry Jimin)

Y/n didn't noticed that her mother have been calling her downstairs if Jungkook didn't met her eyes.

Her heart stopped and she gulped once their eyes met. She closed the curtain of her window.

*Y/N's POV*

"Y/n! Come down now, they're finally here!"

I look in the mirror one last time and went downstairs.

"Y/N! My lovely niece I missed you so much!" Auntie Jihye said pulling me into a hug.

"I missed you too Auntie." I said pulling out of the hug giving her a smile.

"Our Y/N grew into a beautiful young lady." Mrs.Jeon added.

"Thank you Auntie."

"Oh Y/N! You're still short!" Uncle teased making everyone laugh I gave him a hug as well.

"But Jimin is short too." I shrugged pulling out of the hug earning a glare from my brother.

I laugh, but soon it stopped when the tall figure appeared beside Jimin by the front door.

There he stood, cap and hood already off his head. Showing his red hair, earings dangling on his ear screaming a playboy aura. I scan his face, his sharp jaw, soft lips, well defined nose. Everything in him felt so a new.

Puberty did him well damn good

As soon as our eyes met for the second time my palms sweat and I got more nervous.

I gave him a welcoming smile.

"Hi Jungkook, welcome to Seoul." I greeted him.

I was surprised when he pulled me into an embrace.

My body stiffened at his sudden action, It's been a long time since I was hug by him.

"Glad to see you too Y/N."

Midnight Scar ; J.jkOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant