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After the boys finished eating and talking, they went up to their rooms to change into their pajamas. Kurt was in the middle of taking off his button-up when Skylar walked in.

"Quite the body there, Hummel." Kurt froze and looked at Skylar.

"Um, thanks, I guess."

"You could stand to lose some weight though, reveal those abs that I'm sure are in there somewhere." Kurt wasn't quite sure how to respond to that- he has been called fat many times by Karofsky, but if Skylar though so too...

Kurt pulled on his pajama shirt and was about to leave when he was pushed up against the wall. "Wh-what are you doing?" The terrified boy asked Skylar.

"Oh, shut up." He replied, kissing him fiercely. He took advantage of Kurt's gasp of shock to turn a normal kiss into a french kiss. He only broke away to catch his breath, leaving Kurt gasping for air. "I h-have a boyfriend." Kurt stuttered, shaking as he was reminded of Karofsky and his stolen first kiss.

"Yes, and he won't find out about this, will he? You wouldn't want him to get hurt, or yourself for that matter, would you?" Skylar threatened, almost growling.


"Good, I'm glad we agree." Skylar said before shoving him back up against the wall, kissing him fiercely again. He put his hands on Kurt's waist, keeping him from running away. He was quite strong and Kurt could feel his hips bruising.

Then Skylar finally broke the kiss, walking out of the room without a second glance, leaving Kurt to collect himself and follow.

When Kurt got down to the commons, he saw Blaine saving a spot for him and smiled, sitting down next to his boyfriend.

When Skylar walked in, he saw saw Sebastian motioning for him to sit the the empty spot next to him. Skylar smiled and joined him.

When everyone arrived the movie (a comedy) started. About halfway through Sebastian faked a yawn and put his arm around Skylar, who, surprisingly, leaned into Sebastian's touch.

After a bit at a particularly funny part, Skylar reach his hand up to cover his laugh and rested it back down- on Sebastian's knee. This startled Sebastian, as he was usually the one making a move, but it was a pleasant surprise.

When the movie ended, they put in an action movie to try to keep themselves awake. However, most of the boys fell asleep, include Nick and Jeff who were adorable and couple-y even when sleeping, and Blaine. Kurt found that he couldn't fall asleep, still set on edge about what happened earlier with Skylar.

Speaking of Skylar, his hand was still on Sebastian's leg, just not so much his knee. Through the movie his hand had been slowly traveling up Sebastian's leg. During a particularly loud part of the movie, his hand went underneath his pajama shorts and up to his upper thigh and he gave it a firm squeeze. Luckily the sound of explosions masked Sebastian's moan. Skylar smirked, knowing that he had the taller boy exactly where he wanted him as he slowly moved his hand over, between the boy's legs.

Good thing it was an exceptionally loud movie and almost everyone was asleep. Even Sebastian would be embarrassed of some of the sounds he made.

Gray Skies Ahead (Skies Series #1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon