He huffed a last time, "Jimin and I never talked again after that day. But I still kept that one secret, he told me about the day before. I can't tell you what it is but you just have to believe me when I tell you that it's something worse than anything you imagine." Jungkook looked down at the floor silently, if only Taehyung knew that he was already aware, "he's not a bad person Jungkook but... he's being made one."

Not a bad person... sounded funny, considering Jungkook had just watched Jimin kill a person. Now all his doubts that he had had about the memory being leaked or a misunderstanding had vanished into thin air and he felt his stomach turn again. He had held the hand of a murderer. He had kissed the lips of a murderer. He had sold his heart to a murderer. And strangely enough Jungkook knew that not even the murder was enough to make those feelings disappear. Not even the fact that Jimin had destroyed Taehyung's life with those rumours. Not even the fact that Jungkook now came to the realization that he seemed to barely know Jimin at all. Because there, in the back of his mind, those touches and bright smiles still lingered like a beautiful dream that one wanted to hold onto when they woke up. And Jungkook felt incredibly ashamed of it.

After a lot of silence passed, Jungkook finally managed to lift his gaze again, "I'm sorry Taehyung, I shouldn't have-" he couldn't continue, as thick tears were running down his cheeks and fell onto the soft fabric of his robe.

The Hufflepuff seemed just as churning as he felt but nonetheless, Taehyung leaned over and wrapped his arms tightly around the younger's shoulders, squeezing reassuringly, as if to wordlessly say 'I forgive you'. They stayed like this for a while, until Taehyung let go again and reached for Jungkook's hand to hold. The Ravenclaw squeezed it slightly, not caring about the cold that bit into his skin through the thick fabric of his clothes.

This seemed to be a perfect example of 'things aren't always as they seem.' Jungkook thought and let his bitter tears stain the fabric of Taehyung's robe. What was he supposed to do?! He couldn't stay with Jimin, that was out of the question. Even if his feelings still bound him to the beautiful Slytherin after everything that had happened, he knew that staying would be the wrong path. Having to bear with the fact that Jimin had spread the rumours and made Taehyung the biggest bullying victim that Jungkook ever knew was one thing. But bearing with a murder was a different one. The evidence was there and considering Taehyung knowing about Jimin's 'secret', it wasn't manipulated either. Because honestly, what else could be important enough to keep secret.

What confused Jungkook however was that Taehyung still refused to tell anyone about it. He would have thought of the Hufflepuff to believe in justice. It was a murder, for god's sake! How could he not tell anyone yet?! But then again, the bond that the two had shared seemed to have been that of two soul mates and if someone could relate to that, it was Jungkook.

The question was: what was he going to do with the vial? He could destroy it and forget about it forever. He could hand it in and maybe get Jimin to Azkaban. A lump built in his throat. He knew he could never bring himself to do such a thing, after every time his eyes closed, he felt those warm eyes on him. Maybe he should have been disappointed in himself but something about his intuition told him that there was only one way to go with the whole situation:

He needed to talk to Jimin.

An undeniable shiver of fear climbed up his spine at the thought to talk to a killer, face-to-face. But then again, this was Jimin and if Jungkook's instincts were correct and Jimin hadn't just built up a very, very convincing facade, he would never hurt him.

"Jungkook...?" Jungkook's eyes shot up and he returned to the real world, meeting Taehyung's eyes in a bit of a haze, "what's up? You look like you just contemplated to kill someone."

Jikook - BewitchedWhere stories live. Discover now