Chapter Three

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•Edited Wednesday, July 10th, 2019•

"Get in the car, darling," Brendon commanded rather calmly. He opened the door and shoved me in. "Don't worry Amelia, you're safe."

"How do you know my name?"
I trembled in fear. How had he known anything about me? I genuinely was terrified. I didn't care that he was my idol, I just needed to get out of there.

Before he closed the door, I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine, and I made a run for my car.

He recovered quickly, and started speeding after me. "I know so much about you, Amelia Jane West! " he yelled in my direction.

I tried to speed up. Looking back, I saw that he was getting closer. I was almost to the lot where my car was when I tripped.

"And you were so close," He said sarcastically. "You're getting in my car. We're going to visit your dear friend Bella. I've wanted to meet your friend, for a long time. To surprise her, you know? I'm assuming she likes Panic! too, right?" Something about what he said made me think he was going to just surprise Bella.
          "Just please, let me go. " I mumbled, despite my better judgement.

"Don't you get it darlin? You are mine. I take what belongs to me."

He made me get in the car, and brendon turned on the child lock so I couldn't get out.
We pulled up to my care and saw Bella sitting shotgun, jamming out to tunes while reading. Brendon got out of the car, and I did, too. I had no idea what he was planning, but I knew it was malicious.

Brendon stepped up to my car and tapped on the window, smiled at Bella, and signaled her to roll down the window. She screamed, loud.
"Oh. My. God. Brendon. Fucking. Urie. Ahhhhhh!!!" She screamed.

"You must be Bella," he responded. He was obviously used to screaming.
"Um, err, uh, you, uh, know, my name," she spoke nervously.

"Yeah, of course! Amelia, here, was very worried about you, she helped me with some things, and I got her phone. She owes me one," he chuckled.
"Wait, Amelia, you were with The Brendon Urie without me!?" Bella sounded mad.

"It's not really my fault. I was yelling at the door for being locked, and he saw me, asked what was wrong, and went inside the venue to grab my phone. Bella we need to go. You know how our parents are with the curfew and all." I let out a fake laugh. "Thanks Brendon, uh, bye." I tried rushing to the driver's seat. Brendon gripped my waist.

"Not so fast, my dear," he responded darkly, "I have some business with Bella."

"Omg Brendon Urie has business with me," Bella squealed. I guess she was too caught up in fangirling to realize how creepy he was really being.

I watched intently as he opened the car door, hugged Bella, and whispered something in her ear. Her, once, bright smile turned sour. Brendon pulled something out of his pocket. It looked like a needle from the distance. He stabbed it into her neck and emptied its content into her. I screamed a little in fear. Bella lost life in her face as her eyes shut. Her face was frozen forever in fear.

Brendon took her limp body into his arms, bridal style, and I started trembling in fear. I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe, and the words I wanted to say were stuck in my throat, as if some force was pulling them down. Brendon threw Bella's body, as if it was a rag doll, into the trunk. He slammed it hard.

"Amelia, darling, I regret to inform you that your friend is dead. This is what happens to people who are in my way." he gripped my shoulders. I began to shake violently. Tears fell from my eyes. Everything was too overwhelming.

"I will never kill you, I promise." His fingertips lightly brushed my face. Bella was simply collateral damage for the greater goal ahead."

It sounded like Brendon was trying to sound soothing. "Now, I'm going to hit your head hard, darling. Everything going to go black, but do not fear, you'll be safe in my arms."

Before I could protest, I felt a sharp pain in my head, and as Brendon said, my vision began going black. I lost control of my, now limp, muscles. Before I was completely out, I felt his arms grab me.


I'm really trying to make this a better book because so many people have read it. Tell me what you think about the edits!

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