Chapter Two

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•edited Tuesday, July 9th, 2019•


I rushed to the doors of the theater and tried to open them, but they were locked.


I pounded on the door a few times, but no-one came to open it. I couldn't believe it. I let out a frustrated scream, and kicked the door once more for good measure. "No no, this can't be happening," I mumbled. I almost felt tears fall down my face.

"You okay?" I heard a voice ask. I turned around to see The Brendon Urie standing there.

Because I'm extremely sarcastic in uncomfortable situations, I said, "Yeah, everything's fine. Kicking doors is great exercise." I paused and he let out a chuckle."What do you think?!?!"

"I've heard angry door kicking burns a lot of calories. And what did the door ever do to you?" I rolled my eyes at his sarcasm.

"Seriously though, I left my phone inside and I don't know my way home. My best friend is in the car waiting for me."

"I can't let you in for security and stuff, but I can go in and grab it. What does it look like?"

"My phone has a Panic! at the Disco case," I mumbled. "Also I sat in the third row in the pit. More towards the left of the stage."

"Okay, I'll look," Brendon said.

I sat at the door for what seemed like forever while waiting for the Brendon Urie to get my phone. Was that encounter even real? Was is just a hallucination caused by stress? No, it was very real. Oh, sweet baby Jesus, Brendon Urie was getting my phone and I just sassed him.

About 2 minuets later Brendon came out. "I found your phone!" Brendon yelled excitedly.

"Hey thank you so much. Um... so where is it." I questioned. Why didn't he give it to me right away?

"Oh I have it, but I need some help with something first."

"Um, why? I need to get home. It seems like a pretty asshole-ish thing to do. Take advantage of your fans and whatever."

Brendon became ridged. His jaw clenched, and it seemed like he was about to say something.

"All I need some help carrying some boxes of merchandise," he said like it was no big deal.

"Don't you have people for this?" I wondered aloud. He ignored the comment. He seemed very pissed for some reason. I mean I had no phone, and he was leading me into a dark alley way for Christ's sake.

"Um... where are we?" I was staring to get nervous.

"You'll see soon enough," Brendon said, and we stopped talking.

I was getting really freaked out by Brendon Boyd Urie. He was taking me into an ally to help him with merch. Something wasn't right. What makes anything in this situation right. He was blackmailing me.

"You know what? No, I'm leaving. You're going to give me my phone, I'm going to walk away, and we can both forget this night happened.

"Listen here,  little girl," Brendon replied, slamming me against the wall. I couldn't breathe. This was a totally different, hostile version of Brendon. One I don't think anyone has seen. "You need to respect me. You're mine. MINE!"

I trembled in fear. What do I do? I wasn't strong enough for shake his grip off of me, and I don't think anyone's nearby. I need to do anything to stay alive.

"Yes," I replied quickly.

"Yes, what?" I was disgusted.

"Yes, sir."

"Good girl, follow me."

Brendon led me to a small car with absolutely nobody around.

Meanwhile in the Car

Bella was sitting in car. All by herself. She was reading the hunger games. When all of a sudden Gerard Way came out of no where.

"HOLY Geesus !" Screamed Bella.
"Why are you alone in a car??" Gerard asked.
"Because," Bella replied. Gerard started climbing the roof of the car.

"What the hell are you doing?" Bee exclaimed. "You are gonna get hurt!"

"I guess. But  I got bored at home and climbing your car seems like better entertainment. So I ended up here." Gerard stated.

"Get off the car!"

"What car? I'm on a magic carpet, dude."

"As much as I loved MCR, I can't believe you right now! You're, like, cool or whatever, but seriously. Get off the car."

Bella gaining nothing from this conversation decided to ignore Gerard. However, she soon came to regret her decision.

"Are you even listening to me?" Gerard leaned from the top and knocked on the window of the car.

"No.." replied Bee

"Yo, you're delusional. Like really delusional." Gerard scolded.

"Nope, I'm pretty sure that's you..."  replied Bella.

"Wow you are so delusional that you think I'm delusional. Do you know Brendon Urie? Dude petekey was like real and stuff." Gerard yelped. He fell off the roof onto the concrete. It seemed like he hit his head. "Do you like books?"

"Yeah, especially Hunger games." She showed him the book cover. "Are you okay??"

"Yeah , are you okay? You have like 2 heads.  "is this what heaven feels like?" Gerard asked.

"Dude, I think you have a concussion or something. You're kind of freaking me out.." replied Bella

"I would be freaking out too. Your frennnnn got captured by Beebo, so." Gerard stated and he threw up.

Concussion confirmed.

Word count: 900

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