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Note: Hey guys!!
FYI, i changed the cover, tell me in the comments how is it???

Jake's POV,
After, talking to mother, I made my way back to the kitchen, one question roaming in my mind,

Would she come or would she stay?,
I stopped on the door, as I say her smiling, laughing, hugging her mom, she was very happy, there

Maybe I should just let her stay, here with her family, her happiness is all that matters, doesn't matter where she stays

With this thought I made my way out of the house towards my car,
I sat in the car, and looked at the house, I sighed
And put my forehead on the steering wheel, thinking about it the last time, looking at my feet

'Ahem, Ahem' someone coughed beside me,
I turned to look, at the passenger's seat it was Emily,
I stared at her in disbelief,

'What?, you thought I will leave you, because I would want to stay with my parents?, Not gonna happen, of course I love them, but my love for you is unconditional, you are stuck with me forever, I won't just give up My beautiful life with a vampire'

I was grinning widely and the next thing I remember was, I pulled her on my lap, and kissed her, as if my life depends on it,

I kissed her again and again as I spoke in between,

She smiled widely as she returned every kiss,
We parted our lips, smiling at each other, taking heavy breaths,

'Can I take some of my clothes with me?',
'Of course, why are you asking?' I ask her,
'Because I need help lifting them?' She said, with her puppy dog face, as I laughed and nodded my head, approvingly,

She smiled excitedly,
'Let me go, start packing!' She said as she opened the car door, and ran towards the house, but stopped,

She turned around ran towards me, and kissed me on the cheek,
'Thank you' she said, and went in the house, for packing,

I walked back in the house after a few minutes, and went to Emily's room,

I opened the door, and saw her pushing the lid of a suit case down with all her force,

'Want any help?' I asked as I watched her,
'No, I am fine' she said, as she finally succeeded,

'Finally, this was the last one' she said as, she released a breath,
I looked around, at the three other suitcases, which were
Already packed,

'Wow!, you are a fast packer' I said, as she poured herself a glass of water,
I walked to the suitcases,
'What have you packed in this one?' I asked, as I pointed towards the first suitcase,

'That, is the most important one, Shoes!' She told me,
As I laughed murmuring 'girls...'

'And, in that one' I asked pointing out to the second one,
'Jeans, skirts, dresses, bras and tops, in the third one too' she told me,

'And what is in that one?' I asked, pointing at the one, that she force closed,
'More shoes' she told me,

'Let's go then' I said to her, as I stood up, took 2 suitcases in one hand and the other 2 in the other, they might be heavy for a human, but for a vampire it was like picking up paper,

I looked at Emily, who was now staring at me with her jaw dropped,
'What?' I asked as I saw her shocked expression with amusement,
'It would have taken all my strength, to pick up one of them, You are so strong' she said,
'I am a Vampire, sweetheart, it's nothing for me' I told her,

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