stay with me, and keep me under your embrace

Start from the beginning

Monica yells at them from the distance and calls them back over to a tree, good aways distance from the mansion that everybody else is stationed at. They walk hand in hand over to her family, where a fireman was talking with Miguel. When they arrive, Monica pulls Matteo into a hug for several seconds, rubbing his back in reassurance, making him feel so warmed and welcomed. "I'm glad you're here," she explains.

He looks down at his intertwined fingers with Luna and smiles, looking back up at Monica with strength and hope in his soul. "I'm glad I am too,"


They had to stay in a hotel for a few nights. The firefighters told them isn't wasn't safe to stay in the house full of smoke and ash floating around everywhere. So they had to wait until they were able to clear it all out for it to be healthy again. They allowed the family to gather clothes and such, but only one at a time and with masks on to block the strong fumes of the air. Even then, it was difficult to maneuver through the house.

So there Luna was in her hotel room she would share with Ambar, who coincidentally snuck into her boyfriend's room in need of comfort instead. But Luna was alone in her bed, shivering in her cold shorts and tank set, even with the bed sheets, thin as paper, it wasn't enough for her tiny little body. Just reflecting on her entire life almost flashing before her eyes again at the moments earlier that day. So much lost and so much bitterness and so much pain, it almost didn't seem real. The only thing she really wanted and need was for it to go away.

She heard a soft tap at her door with the creaking of the door opening. Her mom made them keep the door stopper out until they went to sleep so they could go in and out easy instead of using a key. Luna looked up and saw Matteo slowly approaching the room, shutting the door back to the way it was behind him, drifting to the center. She stared at him sullenly for a bit as he stared silently as well, feeling nervous about what to do.

He motions towards Ambar's bed to ask if she could sit on it, and she nods softly, letting him proceed to do so. He rests his hands back trying to be comfortable in place, but with so much coldness in the air, it seems pretty impossible.

When Luna stares into nothingness, teardrops rolling down her cheeks all of the sudden, that's when Matteo moves to her bed and says nothing other than bringing his arms around her and letting her fall back into his chest. He can feel the vibrations of her sobs on his chest, the tears soaking through his t-shirt as she just cries into him. He doesn't mind it one bit, he would give anything and everything to make her feel better, and letting everything out like this all on him he's more than willing to do.

She cries for a while, while he just brushes her hair with his fingers, kissing the top of her head once in a while, trying to protect her from her horrendous nightmares and thoughts with a warm embrace. it may not be enough, but it's part of the cure. She slows down, her breathing still heavy, but receding back to normal, big deep breaths. Tear stained, red puffy eyes and cheeks. So much hurt and scares soaring through her mind, it's completely unbearable.

Matteo wraps his arms tighter around her, pushing her head so that her cheek could rest on his heart, hearing the loud thumps of every beat pounding about by her ear. He kissed her head once, twice, a thousand times. Each one sending messages of love and strength to her soul, in hopes of enlightening and healing her, sending his best most positive vibes in the kindest way. Every kiss a different expression of love, he wanted her to feel every single one of them.

After what seemed like quite a bit of time, he feels her lift her head up from his chest and looks him in the eyes, doing it to himself as well. She leans their foreheads together, touching their noses against one another, and allowing herself to close her eyes and clear her mind with her beating heart next to his. Regaining every breath and thought in his touch.

He tucks a few strands of hair behind her ears, softly running his fingers through it at the end. He holds her chin up in the palm of his hand, running his thumb along her lower lip, to her jaw. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asks in a mere whisper right next to her ear. She slowly shakes her head no, closing her eyes for a bit before opening them again.

"Just stay with me here, please" she manages to choke out. He rubs her back gently, more kisses to her head. "I'm not sure your parents would let me though," She shakes her head, burying it back into the burrow of his chest. "I don't care just stay as long as you can. And I'll be okay."

He nods his head agreeing with her. "Always, Chica Delivery", he says softly.

Matteo kicks his shoes off, ripping the covers of her bed off and slides right into it, opening his arm out, for Luna to join him. She crawls under the covers, bringing it over their shoulders and rests her head against his chest once again, his arms immediately wrapped around her in a strong embrace. He turns the lamp off by her bedside table and kisses her nose briefly. "Goodnight Luna," "Goodnight, Chico Fresa," And all that's between them is the sounds of occasional cars whirring past them through the night. Monica might come by soon, her curfew is almost around as well. So he tries his best to not fall asleep but makes sure his girl is comfortable and sleeping soundly, thoughts away from the terrible day.

It's only about 45 minutes later, he hears the creaking of the room door open slowly, emerging light and a sneaky Monica making her way through the peak. Matteo can't see completely well, trying to adjust himself to the hallway light blinding him. He rubs his eyes to make out her mother's face, motioning him it's time to go. Matteo carefully peels himself away from Luna, ever so quietly, laying her on her side to rest, and kisses her cheek goodnight before gathering his shoes and quickly putting them on before out the door.

As he emerges, a sleepy Ambar moves past him and into the room coming back from his room and very much ready for bed. Monica whispers to both of the girls' goodnight before removing the doorstopper and shutting the door completely, leaving only her and Matteo in the hallway.

Before he turns to go back to his room, Monica grabs a hold of his wrist making him making him stay. She gives him a sad but warm smile. "How is she feeling?" she asks. Matteo only shrugs tiredly. "She's still shaken up. We didn't talk about it. I'm sure it will take some time," he confesses. Monica nods understandingly with her smile still present.

"I'm sure it will. For all of us probably. But thank you for taking care of her. I'm glad you were here when she needed you most," Matteo smiles a bit back. "Of course, I would do anything for her after all," Monica melts at his response loving how caring he is for her daughter.

She slowly backs away heading back to her room. "Well thank you again, I really appreciate it. Sleep well goodnight," she says before disappearing into her room with Matteo left in the hallway. "Goodnight," he says back. But there's no one there to hear him.

He's back in his room with Simon, he's dead asleep after an exhausting day. Dealing with Ambar must have been tough on him too. But Matteo just slips right into bed just like before, turning off all the lights and going under the covers.

He manages to sleep easier than he expected, but with clouded thoughts of pain lingering in his mind doesn't go away. And all he worries about is his Chica Delivery, being safe and sound, and wanting her wrapped by his arms away from the world forever and ever.

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