Chapter 21- Hello

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The figure had long raven hair and was kneeling beside Stefan who had been unchained. "Who-" Pietro began to ask but was cut off when Thor pushed him out of the way to get closer to the man. Thor grabbed the shoulder of the figure and turned him around to hug him.

It was a giant bear hug and the figure grunted and then sighed. "Brother," Thor said while still hugging Loki. Loki sighed again and hugged Thor back. (SEE MARVEL PRODUCERS THIS IS WHAT WE WANT AN ACTUAL HUG FROM THE ODSOIN BROTHERS!!!!!) 

Wanda and Pietro stood in silence, understanding what its like to loose a sibling.  Loki was the one who pulled away from the embrace. "What happened?" he asked while kneeling back down to look at Stefan. "Oh well, your girlfriend, or whatever she was," Pietro said, "Had a break down when you went up and died, so she attacked Thanos and made him bleed, surprisingly, and scared him off. Not without killing herself in the process, and we'll long story short she came back to us as this German guy named Stefan,"

Wanda elbowed Pietro in the gut and gave him a 'you forgot something' look. "Oh ya, and he nearly killed Parker," he finished. Loki stayed silent. "Loki you and me both know there is only one way to get rid of this demon,"

Loki snapped, "DEMON, WHO SAID SHE-HE WAS A-" Thor cut him off. "He did himself," Thor boomed. Loki shit up and stood there. The yelling caused Stefan to twitch and shudder. Loki tried to comfort him.

"Brother, we have too, maybe he'll come back," Thor said. Wanda and Pietro were confused as to what they were talking about. Thor whispered in their ear, "I hit Stefan a little then asked him who he was, he replied he was a demon, once the angel admits that they are a demon there is no going back from it, Stefan is evil now, and not even Loki or Strange can help him,"

Wanda was on the verge of crying. Pietro comforted her and walk them out the room. Thor, Loki, and Stefan were left in the room alone. 

After about ten minutes of silence Bucky walked into the room. Wanda had told him to go in there and check on the situation. No one could bare telling Stefan that he had to die, it hurt Loki the most. Thor talked to Bucky before walking out of the room into the hallway and out of sight.

"I'll give you ten more minutes," Bucky said before leaving the room himself.

Loki stood there for a second before kneeling down to Stefan. "Hey Fe-Stefan," He said, but the angel didn't answer, just sat on his knees quietly. "Hey its me Loki, I am sorry I had to leave a while back, I just wanted to make sure you were safe but I think I should have stayed,"

Stefan listened to every word but didn't say anything.

"I thought of you every day and night, waiting to see you again, I made sure to keep Hela from seeing you the best I could, " Loki said in a soothing voice. Stefan didn't say a word or move an inch.

Loki sighed and moved closer to Stefan. The winged demon put his head on Loki's shoulder but didn't say a word. Loki got up after a while and tilted Stefan's head towards him.

Loki gave Stefan a passionate kiss an whispered, "I love you, don't forget that," in his ear before leaving.

Bucky's POV

The raven boy left the room as i walked in. Stefan, a friend I got to know and trust sat in the same spot he did when I left.

you're broken, just like i was with hydra

I readied my gun, aiming at the head to give a quick and painless death.

Right before I pulled the trigger I heard Stefan say something, "I love you too,"

The shot rang out right after and I left the room without trying to question what the, now dead, man said. All i wish was for him to come back, soon.



Well rip Stefan, BUT HEEEEEYYYYY LOOOKKKKIIII long time no fucking see!!!!!!!


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