Chapter 12-

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-- Later that day --

Peter, Bucky, and Fenix were all sitting on the couch when they heard a door open.

Thor, Nat, Loki, Tony, Wanda, Pietro, and Steve all walk into the room. They first notice that Peter and Bucky are talking but then they look at the chair in the corner.

Fenix is sitting there, reading one of Loki's books. Everyone rushes to her.

"Are you okay!?"

"Did Peter annoy you?"

"How are you feeling!"

Fenix sat there trying to answer all the questions until Loki walked through the crowd, picked her up like a child, and carried Fenix to her room.

"Wh-what the-" Fenix started to protest but Loki shut her up.

"You were being crowded, I assume that you were uncomfortable," he said calmly as he laid Fenix on her bed.

-- Fenix's POV --

When did Loki start caring about me

"Also, since you're obviously okay now, I'd like for you to join me for dinner, in Asgard,"

Wait what! Say no say no say NO!!!

"Oh um- okay,"


I sit there quietly for a second until Loki gets up to leave. "Wait!" I say.

Why did I say that

Loki stopped in his tracks and turned around. "Do you want to watch a movie, or read a book?" I ask while I congratulate myself in my quick thinking.

Loki nodded as I grabbed a movie. I put in Wall-E  and sit on the floor with some pillows and blankets.

Loki sits noticeably close as we watch the movie. After the movie Loki goes to his room to get a book and I go downstairs to get Hot Pockets.

When I reach the kitchen Thor is sitting on a bar stool. "He likes you a lot Fenix," Thor said without looking away from his drink.

"Of all people Loki picks you, I'm surprised he even found love," Thor says as he gets up.

What is he talking about

"You should be careful, Fenix," and he walked away.

I return to my room with some snacks. Loki has a couple books with him.

I sit on my bed surrounded by blankets while Loki reads out loud.
"Odin, a powerful king, ruthlessly taking what he wishes-"

After awhile my eyes get droopy and I pass out.

Muffled talking wakes me. "Hello little brother," the sound of a flip lighter being lighted can be heard.

"Hello sister, what brings you, here, in Fenix's room," I can hear a hint of anger in his voice.

"Oh just checking out the demons," She said while puffing a cigarette.

Loki's anger grew in his voice. I tried to stay still so they wouldn't notice me. "She is not one of them," he growled.

One of what

"She doesn't even use her wings," he said.

"That could change,"

The room went silent and I drifted back to sleep.


The next morning Loki wasn't at the tower, he was missing like usual.

"You need to keep your brother on a leash," Tony said while drinking some coffee.

The place was crowded because everyone was home. (Except Loki) Peter was playing video games in the living room.

"Shouldn't you be in school," Fenix asks as she makes her way down the stairs. "Ya, your right Finx, come on Peter let's get you to school,"

Fenix was confused by the new nickname Tony gave her but shrugged it off.

Steve walked into the room with Bucky close behind. "Johnson, I need to speak to you,"

Steve never uses my last name, Fenix thought as she walked over to Rogers and Barns.

"Do you know where Loki is," he asked, using what everyone calls his army interrogation voice.

"No, why would you assume I knew," I say while trying not to yawn.

"You spent the night with him, and you two seem close," James said.

"Nope haven't seen him," Fenix says as she makes her way to the kitchen. She grabs the frozen waffles and puts them in the toaster.

-- Later that night --

Everyone was asleep other than Fenix.

Why did Loki's sister call me a demon

She climbs the stairs to her room but stops.

Maybe I can find something in Loki's books

She turned around and went toward Loki's room. Inside she pulled out every book on heaven, the gods, fallen angels, and demons.

Fallen Angels:

These creatures once served the gods, but after death they didn't stay loyal to their superiors. As a result they were banished to live out 1,000 if their lives over and over.

Many have decaying wings, the wings can also look black or brown instead of a vanilla yellow they would be.

After every life they live their memories, but some memories can stay, like loved ones.

So what life am I on? 15, 743? 999?

Fenix continued to read about the angels and their lives. She kept reading until she got to a odd page.

Fallen angels that resent their powers have been known to become Angel Demons.

These monsters are dangerous, please contact Asgard for help if you come across one.

I guess Asgard took care of these monsters all the time

Just then Loki's door creaked open.

Who the HELL thought it was a GRAND idea to making all the poor women if the world SUFFER once EVERY SINGLE GOD DAMNED MONTH just for children that won't even be BORN.

Why couldn't there be a pill that activates everything to have a child, so its just like, OH! I'm ready to have a child, I'll just take this pill and then bing bang boom all the hormones are unlocked and you can have a child YAY!

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