Chapter 13- Fighting The Demon

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Loki stood in the doorway.

Fenix quickly closed the book she was reading.

"Mortal, what are you doing in my room,"

"Uh I was um, looking up some
things," Loki glanced at the book it was reading and he sighed.

"I just wanted to know what you and your sister were talking about last night,"

Loki stiffened and looked as if was going to explode. "What did you
hear," he said while gritting his teeth.

Fenix told him exactly what she heard, not wanting to keep anything away from him.

Loki sighed and took Fenix's hand.

"Where are we going,"

Loki just stayed silent.

-- a few moments later --

Loki and Fenix stepped outside onto the roof of stark tower. He said something and a beam of light engulfed the duo.

Loki pulled Fenix close to his chest as they shot up.

-- In Asgard --

Fenix was struck with the beauty of Asgard. "This is where I grew up," Loki mumbled as they quickly walked past the gatekeeper.

The man looked confused at the sight of Fenix but Loki quickly pulled her away.

"Who looks after this place," Fenix asked as she admired a marble statue of Loki's mother.

"Thor and Hela are the rulers, they decided to work together," He said while looking at Fenix.

Their eyes met and Loki had a small smile on his face. He stepped closer and wrapped his arms around Fenix's waist.

Their faces got closer and closer-

"BROTHER," Thor yelled from atop some steps.

Loki's face had a annoyed look as he groaned and turned toward his brother.

"Yes Thor?" He said, his British accent was thick.

"So nice to see you, and you brought a friend I see,"

Loki walked over to Thor and whispered something. Thor nodded and walked away from the two.

Loki brought Fenix to a room in the palace. It had books and murals all over the walls.

Loki showed her a giant mural. It showed angels, but their wings were black and brown.

Fenix opened up her wings and looked at them.

Loki was struck at the sight of them, she almost never used them.

"These murals, why did you show them to me, Loki?"

"My father always spoke of one fallen angel, one that didn't use their powers, so they became a demon, their powers consumed them,"

Loki walked over to a big painting of a angel with one black/brown wing and the other was white. The angel didn't have a face though.

"This angel managed to fight the demon the grew in them, but their wings were a giveaway to their identity, so they used a spell to hide the color difference,"

Loki went to the big painting.

"They ran and went into hiding, Odin wanted the angel found, he wanted them to become a warrior, but no one ever found the angel,"

Loki looked to Fenix, she was now crying. Loki went over to her and held Fenix to his chest.

Loki looked at Fenix's wings. He touched one, the color began to change into a vanilla white.

"I just wanted to be normal," Fenix cried.

Loki held her close as he spoke, "You shouldn't hide what you are," his own words rang through his head.

Thor walked into the room.

What he saw was a small frost giant, and the missing angel from his childhood.

"Fenix is-" Loki looked at Thor and nodded.

-- Back At Stark Tower --

Loki and Fenix went back to the tower. It was breakfast time and they were both starving.

"Where have you two been," Tony said in a 'dad voice'. Peter, Tony, Clint, and Nat were in the kitchen.

Peter had a bowl of cereal in front of him. "Hey Parker what kind is that," Fenix said cheerfully as she walked over to Peter.

"She's seems awfully happy," Nat said to Clint while making some eggs.

Loki sat down on a bar stool. Tony walked up to Loki.

"Okay what did you do to her," he said while pointing a finger at Loki.

"Excuse me, I have done nothing wrong," Loki said while putting his hands up.

"Bullshit," Stark said.

Nat and Clint both chimed in "Language," while they were eating some eggs.

"Fenix will tell you when she is
ready," Anger shot into his voice, the tips of his fingers turning blueish made him quickly put his hands back down.

-- Later that afternoon in Fenix's room --

"So mortal," Loki said while sitting on a bean bag in next to Fenix's bed, "why don't you fight, I mean you were being hunted for the sole reason that you can fight,"

Fenix sat on her bad and brushed her tangled hair. "I can sometimes loose control," she said while struggling to brush the back of her hair.

Loki got up and sat next to her. He grabbed the brush from her hands and began to carefully brush her hair.

Fenix couldn't help but notice how close Loki was.

"What do you mean," Loki said calmly.

Fenix sighed. "Come with me," she said while she got up from her bed.

After a while Fenix brought Loki deep into the forest. Trees surrounded them.

"Hit me," she said. Loki was confused.

"Why would I do that,"

"Come on just try,"

Loki sighed and took a guard swing at Fenix. He expected her to go flying but he didn't even hit her.

She had used speed to quickly dodge the punch. "Come on, at least try," she teased.

Loki tried hitting her again, but she quickly gut punched him.

Loki tried again and again but Fenix always dodged or hit him before he would make contact.

Aggravated, Loki pulled out his daggers. He begun to try and stab her but instead Fenix quickly opened her wings and flew into the trees.

"Is that all you got?" She teased.

This is a weird chapter, I know, but still I wanted to do something

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