Graduation!?! Catching a traitor.

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In the heart of fire country hidden in trees that surround it is the village Kohonagakure stood in all its hidden glory. One would assume that the child of the late 4th Hokage would be treated with respect and honor. For a village renowned for its teamwork and kindness that his child was condemned by its villagers for something she could not control. I am not dumb like they believe and I'm not a boy either. This is my story as Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze the child of two legends.

*4 years after the Kyubi attack*

In the summer just before I turned 4 years old I was running through the outskirts of the village beside the clan compounds towards my home. No one would be there, my "niisan" was currently on my ANBU protection squad. Kakashi had been there since the beginning, he was always in my shadow now. I overheard some of the other ANBU discussing that Kakashi was going to go nuts or kill the elders if he had to leave me again.

A soft gasp caught my attention. "You're not fit to be an heiress, Neji has more talent and he's locked in the branch family. It's your fault he lost his dad and you should just resign to this. You'll be branded just like us as soon as they realize how weak you are and chose another heir. Unless Hiashi sama gives you a sibling. Would you willingly stand by and let them brand your sibling to" a boy said. Skidding to a stop in the trees above them I recognize Hinata the Hyuga heir and a couple boys from the compound.

"Ano what do you think you're doing" I spoke up seeing the timid fear in the young heiresses face. "This doesn't concern you. Go away. Its clan matters" the middle boy said.

Rage coursed through me, dark and furious. Closing my eyes I clamped down on the Kyubi's anger. "I'm a clan heiress and I am pretty sure Hiashi would hate to find out that three as hideous as your curse mark is branch members are picking on his heir. I would leave her alone if I were you."

The three boys were eyeing the ANBU that appeared beside me, Hinata looked at me curiously. Tears rolled down her cheeks slowly, anger burned in my stomach as she was now shy and playing weak.

"Inu" I greeted. "Naru we should really be in the compound not out and about. You know how anxious everyone is" Neko said from a branch opposite Inu.

The boys were shaking in fear, "If I were you three I would leave your future clan head alone from here on out" Inu said getting three nods of approval before they took off.

Neko jumped down to Hinata offering her hand, "Aa.ano wh.wh.ho are you" Hinata asked shyly. "Don't stutter its unbecoming of a kunoichi. I'm Naruto Uzumaki nice to meetcha".

"Hinata Hyuga, nice to meet you too. Thank you" she said slow and quietly. Her stutter's gone I realized but didn't think about it. "It was very nice to meet you Hinata but I must be going or the clan heads will send out search teams to find me. And don't listen to them boys. Hizashi died to protect his clan head and you. He didn't die because your dad made him" I replied before turning to walk away.

Hinata was quiet for a few minutes as she studied my back intently then a sharp breath was inhaled.

"I remember you! You can't just leave again Naru! Neji remembers vaguely. Why did we forget?"

"We can't take her to Inoichi. Really, it would mess with her mind too much she's already been more than anyone else besides the Nara heir."

My Anbu looked at each other before they led me and Hinata to my family compound and called Jiji for a meeting.

My life wasn't completely isolated after that day. Hinata and Shikamaru became as close as siblings as they were before and I began a charade of the village idiot. The only clan I didn't hide from was the Uchiha as my godmother is also their matriarch.

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