Chapter 2.

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The two and a half hour ride from north Boston to 1845 Massachusetts street was mostly me and Elliot planning our meeting schedules and my job applications.

We decided to meet every two weekends, Elliots basketball tournament was close and I knew how stressed he was, with only a week untill he leaves for Princeton yet he was okay with spending the weekends with me. Although it's not like we will not work together but since I will be seeing him so less, I think I will keep us busy in Netflix and maybe find a park close by the campus.

We finally make the last turn and I could see the tall metal gates of Harvard. The street was heavily crowded so it takes a while before we reach the gates.

I rubbed my thumb over my closed fist and hmm'ed. Something that I can't help but do when I'm nervous.

Am I nervous?

Yes, but what for exactly?

That I do not have any idea. I mean, I have the classes all planned. I know the layout of the campus so there's no chance I could get lost. I know the syllabus which meant I have plenty of time to prepare beforehand.

So I had nothing to worry, but I did.

My dorm roommate. I hadn't thought about that. Maybe because I was busy planning the main things. I quickly make a list of the things I can't stand. The list is short. I'm not asking for an introvert, no I just want someone who doesn't snore and doesn't bring boys over. That's it.

How hard could it be?

I notice how slow we were moving and I decided to just get out and walk there but then the van in the front moved and we were there in a few seconds.

We get out and Elliot goes tp the trunk get my suitcase out. I look around at the crowd of students saying their goodbye to the parents and moving large cardboard boxes.

"We're here," he squeezes my shoulders. "You're officially here."
I laugh at how proud he is, I am too.

We make our to the lady giving out dorm room numbers and I get mine quickly. We start walking to the long corridors and Elliot asks me what room it is.

"It's a D21. Oh, there," I point to the large 'D' painted on the left following another long corridor.

We finally reach D21 and I pull my skirt down before turning the knob and opening it.

My excitement dims at the size of the room. I am not particularly very rich or live in a mansion but this was just... tiny. It was probably a four by four with two beds, a nightstand and a closet next to the small screen beside the door.

A girl with long brown hair jumps up from the bed on the left, she makes her way to me and offers me her hand.

"I'm Hailee, Hailee Steinfield." She grins showing the ever so slight tooth gap in the middle.

"Emily Rivera," I shake her hand. I don't know why I said my full name. Maybe because she did first.

I turn to Elliot, "This is Elliot, my boyfriend."

"Ah, boyfriend. Nice to meet you, Elliot." Elliot smiles back and shakes her offered hand. She wasn't that bad, she didn't look like a punk with holes or ink on thier body or like hardcore party goer. I internally sigh and check Roommate off my list.

She grins again and I notice how beautiful her eyes were. They were a deep brown with a ring of olive green around them. She looked rather young to be in college.

Before it got awkward, Hailee excused herself to give us a moment. I turn to Elliot and he looks sad.

"Elliot, it's okay. We'll be seeing each other every two weeks and we'll talk regularly. You don't have to worry about anything." I tried to make it lighter.

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