01 - The Doctor's Untimely Death

Start from the beginning

Two days later, Amy Rory and I get off of a bus in America looking out into the middle of nowhere. Amy thanks the bus driver as I look for some kind of sign. I had expected the Doctor to still come and collect me two days ago despite the random invitation, but when he didn't turn up I assumed he thought it would be best if I just went with Rory and Amy so I was really looking forward to see him. "This is it, yeah? The right place?" Amy asks.
"Nowhere, middle of? Yeah this is it." Rory replies as the bus pulls away.
"Howdy." A voice calls from behind us and I turn to see the Doctor lying on the hood of some kind of big American car. I stand and smile at the man as Amy shouts his name running to him as they reunite joyously. "Ha, ha! It's the Pond." He laughs as they hug talking to each other excitedly as Rory walks to them.
"So, someone's been a busy boy then, eh?" Amy asks.
"Did you see me?" The Doctor asks happily.
"Of course." Amy answers.
"Stalker." The Doctor accuses.
"Flirt." Amy shoots back laughing as Rory finally butts in.
"Rory the Roman! Ooo, come here." The Doctor shouts as he pulls Rory into a hug. I stand from the other side of the road watching the three converse before I feel someone link arms with me from behind.
"Hello sweetie." River's voice brings a smile to my face as I turn to see my best friend, who I'd been calling nonstop for the past couple of months. I hug her tightly pulling back to look at her.
"You look good." I say to her smiling.
"You remember Ryan?" River reintroduces Ryan who I finally notice is behind her.
"Of course, nice to see you again." I reply courteously.
"You too, Mackenzie." He replies and I smile as I turn back to the other three.
"Hey, nice hat." Rory comments on the Doctor's Stetson.
"You have a gun?" I ask River and she laughs handing me a pistol.
"I wear a Stetson now. Stetsons are cool." The Doctor replies before I aim and shoot it off of his head causing all three of them to duck, before they turn to me wide eyed.
"I prefer the fez." I say as I blow away the fake smoke before passing the gun back to River and smiling as the Doctor grins widely at me, before I run up to him, hugging him tightly, before kissing him on the lips, wrapping my arms around his neck as he wraps his around my hips. "I missed you." I whisper.
"I missed you too." He replies as we rest our foreheads together smiling to each other as we breathe deeply.

Ryan, River, the Doctor and I all sit in a booth whilst Amy and Rory get drinks and we compare the Doctor and River's diaries, this was as expected, what I hadn't expected was to see Ryan have one too, and somehow that made me trust the guy that little bit more. "Right then, where are we? Have we done Easter Island yet?" River asks and the Doctor flips through the book whilst I roll my eyes, surprised he couldn't remember that.
"Yes, we have." I tell her.
"They worshipped you there. Have you seen the statues?" River asks and I nod eagerly.
"Jim the fish." The Doctor states another adventure we'd had.
"Jim the fish!" River exclaims excitedly and I wonder what they're talking about, as I obviously wasn't there for that. "How is he?" River asks.
"Still building his dam." The Doctor replies.
"Jim the fish?" I ask Ryan who's sitting beside me, as I wonder is he knows who this 'Jim' is.
"It's a long story." Ryan replies and I nod, accepting the short answer as Amy and Rory slide into the booth.
"Sorry, what are you four doing?" Rory asks curiously.
"They're all time travellers, so they never meet in the right order. They're syncing their diaries." Amy fills him in before she turns to the Doctor. "So, what's happening, then? Because you've been up to something." Amy replies.
"I've been running, faster than I've ever run. And I've been running my whole life. Now, it's time for me to stop. And tonight, I'm going to need you all with me." The Doctor says calmly and I watch as something flickers in Ryan's eyes, some kind of realisation, a similar look in River's eye and I watch the two of them as they look to each other nervously.
"Okay. We're here, what's up?" I ask as I reach my hand across the table taking the Doctor's.
"A picnic. And then a trip. Somewhere different, somewhere brand new." The Doctor replies.
"Where?" Amy asks.
"Space, 1969." The Doctor an excitement, that I can see is fake, in his eyes.

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