So It Begins

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I don't know where it all went wrong. I don't know what made the friendship change. I don't know if I did anything to prevent it from crumbling. 

All I know that it hurts. It hurts so bad that I cried myself to sleep every night. 


That's what I am. A pathetic little sod that feels sorry about herself all the time. 

Sometimes betrayal doesn't just happen overnight. It doesn't just happen when your friend slept your boyfriend. 

Betrayal in friendship hurts more than relationships because the trust you put on those people are higher than the ones you put in your partner. Well, I wouldn't know about that because I am extremely unexperienced. 

My friendship betrayal happened when a group of 7 decided to pick sides. They ultimately removed me from the group, unofficially, of course because they're bunch of cowards and just started making plans sans me. 

In a world where social media is one of the legitimate form of friendships sealer, you'll find out when people hide you from their stories, unfollowed you, or block you. If they hide you from seeing their stories means that they are hiding something from you, or doesn't want you to get involved in their life, unfollowing means cutting off the friendship and blocking means they're cutting you off from their life for good. 

It may seem petty to people but there's no way we can run from this facts. Whether we acknowledge this or not, these are usually the indicators of where your friendship stands. 

I know, I know. Screw them. Why should I cry over these people. I mean they're not my only friends. the fact is, they were the closest people I've had in my life during college. 6 years together with 2 of them, and the group expanded when I brought in another 3 in our second year. The group added another 2 the following semester.  I combined all my closest group together because back then I thought it was a great idea. 

Today, I found out that they all turned their backs against me. Fake ass little bitches that makes me miserable and want to kill myself. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2018 ⏰

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