Chapter Four

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A groan tore through Izuku's lips as he stirred from his sleep, neck and back aching in protest as he lifted himself from his lab's desk. Though in that movement a blanket that was draped over his thin form fell to the floor, causing a thin smile to curl at his lips. Kurogiri must have put this on him, although the mist being could have taken him to bed. A sigh parted his lips as he slowly pushed himself to his feet, taking the test tube filled with a thick green liquid and swirling the substance around. He hummed softly as he placed it back down before rolling his shoulders and stretching out his stiff joints, before moving to the staircase to go back to the main bar.

The warm light of hit his eyes as he squinted them, adjusting to the brightness as he strode over to the bar, hoisting him onto the seat as a small green bento was placed in front of him. Emerald eyes blinked slowly as he looked up at the mist figure, a smile curling up his lips as he giggled softly, "I'm starting to think you like to take on this 'mother-figure', Giri~"

A long sigh was heard from Kurogiri as he placed a plate with two pieces of toast in front of him. His deep voice coaxing Izuku as he rests his head on the palm of his hand, staring at the purple mist figure, "That is not the case though I will take on a parent figure if I deem it necessary. Now, eat, go shower and then be ready to leave for school."

Izuku placed the corner of toast in his mouth, nibbling at it as he kicked his feet slightly. His train of thought drifting as he hummed softly – unknown to him – Kurogiri listened to the mindless tune that drifted in the quiet bar, the sound wistful and soft like falling snowflakes. His slender fingers gently placed the last quarter of toast back on the plate, swinging his legs to the side as his feet gently landed on the ground.

Giving a faint wave over his shoulder as he ascended to his room, dragging his feet on the old floorboards as they groaned under his weight. Green luminescent clouds escaped his lips and curled and twirled in the air like it was dancing as he slid into his room, back pressed against the door as he peeled his shirt off.

A shiver ran down his spine as the cool air of his room cause his skin to prickle, shoulders trembling slightly as he made his way to his small bathroom, stripping away the rest of his clothes as he stepped into the shower. His breathe hitching in his throat as he turned on the shower, cold water hitting his thin form before it began to warm.

He let the water pelt against his back as he looked down at his arms, noticing all the scars on his arms from training when he first came here.

. . . . .

Izuku a major thing you must work on when considering your own quirk is lung capacity. Away we can work this up is by improving your physical fitness and on breathing." Shigaraki listed off as he looked at the smaller, who was fiddling under the crimson gaze. The green hood hanging loosely off Izuku's frail form as he was led over to a bench with various sharp objects.

"You'll train with other weapons to ensure your ability to defend and attack in future assignments. However, judging on your physical appearance, we have to work on muscles and stamina first," Shigaraki motioned to the entire room, a grin forming on his dry lips as Izuku questioned him with his eyes, "Now, run around the room until you can't feel your legs and once that happens... Keep going until I say stop."

Training continued like this for an entire year until he was able to wield every weapon thrown at him with ease, and he was able to hold his breath for just under five minutes. Though the training didn't leave him without scars, playing with sharp objects would leave there mark on you somehow, which most scars seemed to be on his arms and chest, although he had plenty all of his thin ivory skin.

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