Little frodo baggins

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Elrond's pov

I watched as everyone filed into the room, all glancing at the empty pedestal in the centre. They all were relatively quiet, apart from the hobbits, strider and ash. She seemed to happily address the dwarves who had come, a few of them nodding at her politely but the one she seemed the happiest to see gave her a dirty look and walked away. She seemed upset by it but hid it rather well and sat both near the hobbits and other elves but not as close to them. But I saw the younger hobbits muttering to her in curiosity for explanation on what was happening which made me chuckle.

But when I was sure everyone had arrived I composed myself and began. "Strangers from distant lands ... friends of old. You have been summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor. Middle-earth stands upon the brink of destruction. None can escape it. You will unite...or you will fall. Each race is bound to this fate...this one doom..." I began as I glanced around to see them all looking at me intently.

"Bring forth the ring, Frodo." I instructed. All eyes in the room, including my own, watched as the young hobbit slowly walked forth and placed the ring. I saw ash go a bit pale at the sight of it. But from the look in her eyes she had both good and bad memories of the ring.

Ash's POV

I stared at the ring with a weird feeling in my chest. I remembered how Bilbo saved my life with it.. how terrifying the feeling of being unseen just by being near a piece of gold.. but I also remembered for his 67th birthday we had returned to his house for drinks. He was stumbling everyone so I tried to help him. The ring fell out of his pocket and the moment I picked it up and went to go put it on the dining table for him to find in the morning I turned to find his sword in my face and him screaming at me about the ring. As soon as I gave it back to him, shaking in terror, he sobered up and continued to apologise to me and just make up an excuse of him being tired. Now I feel like he was lying to me..

I hear a whisper from almost every other person in the room, seeing my own husband to be looking greedily at it. I sighed and was half tempted to leave but I decided to stay out of loyalty to elrond. Then a man spoke. I believed he was the son of the steward of gondor. But he didn't seem to have much thought in was he was saying. "It is a gift...a gift to the foes of Mordor! Why not use this Ring? Long has my father, the Steward of Gondor, held the forces of Mordor at the blood of our people are your lands kept safe. Give Gondor the weapon of the enemy...let us use it against him!" He yelled confidently. I opened my mouth to speak but Aragon began as if he had read my mind. "You cannot wield it. None of us can. The one ring answers to Sauron has no other master." He stated, which was true from the stories I'd heard. Boromir turns and looks at Aragon, coolly.

"And what would a ranger know of this matter?" He queried. Aragon said nothing and sat down. I instinctively shot up and saw my brother do the same as we went to defend our dear friend. "How dare you talk down to him as if you are not equals !" I almost scream at him but I barely compose myself. "This is no mere Ranger. He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn. You owe him your allegiance." Legolas states. He always was the calmer one in arguments. "Aragorn? This is Isildur's heir?" Borimir questions, almost seeming offended. "And heir to the throne of Gondor." I add, getting a death glare from borimir.

"Havo dad, Legolas... you too Lithônion." Aragon asked us. I nodded and obeyed as I slowly went to sit down only to hear boromir mutter in a bitter tone "Gondor needs no king.". I held my tongue and fought the urge to argue with him. I just sat down and went silent again as I watched the world around me. I'm in a dress after all. When I have my proper clothes on I'll give him a piece of my mind.

"Aragorn is right...we cannot use it." Gandalf states, diffusing the impeding battle between the two men. "You have only one choice..the ring must be destroyed." Elrond continued. "How?.." I muttered as I glanced at frodo. He looked so uncomfortable and he didn't seem to know why. Gimli suddenly stands, excited.

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