Little frodo

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Ash's POV

I sighed in relief and changed into a simple evening gown. I always loved the shire as I could dress as casually as I wished and I didn't have to maintain a certain look. The thought of an elvish princess even being here for many hobbits was enough for them to be kind to me. And I was happy with that. It rose Bilbo's reputation and kept him happy with stories to tell the children.

I stretched and yawned as I wandered down the winding halls of the hobbit hole. As I passed every room I could hear the dwarves cheering, gandalf's chuckles and their sad song of their lost home, all as if it were yesterday. I hadn't heard from many of them. 60 years of course is a long time for many unless they are elves but balin I was most surprised to not hearing from him for a few years now. But gloin had told me a few months ago when I went to visit erabor, that his son, the one my brother called a goblin mutant, was going to join a company, hopefully.

I chuckled, remembering he kept giving out to me and bofur, his plaited hair now grey, fixing my hair so my ears were be covered as he kept asking how I'd been. I promised them I'd send a letter describing how Bilbo's party went and what food was there as they would consider showing up next year. As I was lost in my own thoughts I bumped into something. I stopped and looked down to see Frodo. I felt horrible as he stumbled slightly.

"Frodo?.. are you alright?" I asked him. He looked up at me, rubbing his forehead but then smiling at the sight of my face before hugging me. I chuckled and hugged back. He was like a little brother to me. I'd watched this little hobbit grow. I remembered him hiding behind Bilbo's legs when he saw me. And then an hour or so later he was insisting on staying outside so I can tell him more about elvish legends.

"Why didn't you tell me you were here ?" He asked. "I've only arrived silly. Your uncle is out smoking and we have a... lovely... guest with us this time so just be nice and ignore him. But if he gets clingy please tell him as I hate him with a slight passion" I said with a smile, making him laugh. "Will do" he replied.

No one's pov

As ash and Frodo caught up and told each other tales. Ash telling the tales of the guards killing orca and spiders in spectacular fashion while Frodo tells simple tales of how Bilbo is complaining of his relatives and how they're giving out that he isn't dead yet, making her chuckle at how simple and innocent his life is. Bilbo smoked outside happily as he watched the darkening sky set and his smoke rings go up into the air and dance with the light wind.

Beinion watched his 'betrothed' and another man doing, what he could only assume was flirting with her. Jealously overwhelmed him as he watched her laugh, smile happily and hug him, everything she never did around him. And if she did she was forcing it to not seem rude. He snarled and slammed his door behind him as he went to sharpen his weapons out of spite.

The next morning while Bilbo say in his study writing into what seemed to be a journal and Frodo nailed up a sign reading "NO ADMITTANCE EXCEPT ON
PARTY BUSINESS."  Ash lay still asleep in her bed. When she slowly began to wake up she yawned and went to stretch as she felt something wrapped around her waist, making her stop. She slowly felt around and felt a hand. She rolls over and saw Beinion's face so close the tips of their noses almost touched. She held back the urge to slap him awake and order him out and tried to sneak out of her bed bed he pulled her back. She cursed under her breath.

"Beinion!" She yelled, making him snap awake. "What?... beloved what's wrong?..." he asked. The poor elf almost went pink with fury. "Your in my bed. Get. Out." She ordered. "Why?.." he asked her as he attempted to pull her closer and muzzle her. She put her hand on his chest and pushes him away. "Get. Out. I don't want to see you in my bed again. I have boundaries and you broke them. Your so incompetent you can't even take no for an answer and you know damn well why I'm uncomfortable snarling a bed. Now leave !" She said to him. Beinion looked sad while he got out of the bed but when he was leaving he was furious and disgusted.

How dare she even try to speak to him like that?!

Ash sighed and hugged her bed sheets as flash backs of Marco holding her close, smiling at her with love every morning flooded into her mind. And then his face would melt into azog and then Beinion.. her mind seem to hate that elf more then she even wanted to admit.

She sighed and rubbed her eyes, putting on her headdress, helping her relax slightly. She room a deep breath and went to get up. But she heard a knock on the door. And there stood Bilbo with tray and a smile on his face. "Breakfast in bed ! Probably not as good as that elvish food you live on but it's home made so I hope that counts for something" he said. She chuckled and smiled at her friend and he made her get back into bed, get comfy and relax so he could lay the tray on her lap. "It's your birthday. I should be serving you" she says. He waves his hand. "None-sense ! Your my guest. Now we have fresh tea, milk, bread, salmon from the river this morning and some apples from the trees in my garden" he said with a smile.

"Thank you Bilbo..." she replied. He smiled, patted her head and left.

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed the chapter! If the next one is late {again} please forgive me as I have exams at the moment but I finish Wednesday next week so after that I have no excuse XD


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