111th birthday

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Ash's POV

Fireworks explodes into the night sky high above Hobbiton as Bilbo's well anticipated party began. Everyone drank and eat their hearts out and danced like there was no tomorrow. The little hobbit children either were crowding around Bilbo or Gandalf or were doing their own little dances on the green.

I tried to join them, even though I never really learnt how to dance, and when ever they got 'too close', Beinion would grab me and pull me away. I decided to amuse him a bit and gently sway with him till we got close to Gandalf. Then as soon as he were, and I gave Gandalf a wink, he set of the loudest firework he had. Beinion's guard instincts kicked in and he let go of me and looked at the source of the notice, giving me a chance to leave.

I sat on the grass near where bilbo is and I watch while he yells the children stories off our adventure to Erebor. A few of the girls run over with daisies and other flowers I hadn't seen, they plaited my hair with surprising skill and out the flowers inbetween each strand, making me laugh and give them a hug as thanks. I saw frodo with his friend, a little chubby hobbit I remembered him introducing as Sam a few years ago. And I even saw his cousins slip into gandalfs tent. Probably causing mischief but it was none of my concern as I was tackled by about 12 hobbit children as soon as Bilbo finished his story and was attacked with questions about elves and magic. And I replied to everyone, even showing them a few tricks my mother had taught me when I was a child just to make them laugh.

Suddenly I hear the sizzle of a firework but Gandalf isn't lighting anything, then the sound of one taking off. My eyes followed the sudden flying tent that shit into the sky and exploded. Maybe I should have been paying attention to those two.. the sparkles suddenly formed a giant red dragon and fire flew from its foes as it flies away. Then it turns back and dives at the crowd. Everyone dives to the ground and I hold the dozen hobbit children on me close so they won't be burned. The fireworks dragon turns a
somersault and explodes over the hills with a deafening bang! I sigh through my nose as I take the children off me me and march to where his cousins merry and pippin went. They sat on the ground, hair and clothes smoking. "That was good!" Merry yelled. "Let's get another one!" Pippin said excitedly. Gandalf walks up beside me. He grabs one of both of their ears and I give them a mother's glare.

"Meridoc Brandybuck and Peregrin Took...I might have known!" Gandalf mumbled in answer. "You boys know not to mess with Gandalf fireworks. Do you have any idea what would have happened if you aimed it the wrong damn way?" I asked them. They shook their heads. I took a deep breath. "Do what you must with them mellon but please don't turn them into frogs" I told Gandalf, giving him a quick wink as I saw the boys go pale. "I make no promises" he replied and began pulling the poor boys away by their ears.

Suddenly a hand grabs my arm. I glance behind me to see Beinion. Atleast I had about half an hour away from him.. "your lights 'friend' is about to make his speach" he told me. I gently removed his hand off my arm and replied "thank you. Unless you want to stand I suggest we hurry so we can get a seat" I tell him. I rush to the tables and manage to get a chair near the front, only by the luck of frodo saving me one to be polite. I saw Bilbo stepping on a stool...he bows in gratitude at the
applause, making me chuckle at how cocky he had become in his old age.

"My dear Bagginses, and Boffins, tooks and Brandybucks...Grubbs, Chubbs, Hornblowers, Bolgers, Bracegirdles and Proudfoots..." he began, only to be interrupted by a hobbit with large feet, well large feet for a hobbit that is, yelling "Proudfeet!" And earning a chuckle. "Today is my one hundred and eleventh birthday. Yes, and alas...Eleventy- one years is far too short a time to live among such excellent and admirable Hobbits! Tremendous outburst of approval!" Bilbo continued. I smiled at him as he paused for a minute, Frodo silently urged him to continue. "I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you as well as well as you deserve.". Oh dear.. the clapping among the guests is scattered as they try to work out if that was a compliment or not.

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