Chapter 27 ~ A Bizarre Sight

Start from the beginning

The guild staff left after leading Leon to the guild master room.

"You're already back?! No, wait. Have you retrieved the behemoth?"

"Yes I have. I came here to ask you to prepare the people who were going to deal with the behemoth and prepare the area to put it. Is it fine?"

"Eh? Ah, okay. I will ask the researchers to go to the area immediately. Thankfully I have gotten the governor's permission immediately. I didn't expect you to return so quickly though. Well... let's go to the area now."

As expected, right after Gera and Leon exited the Adventurer's Guild, numerous people swarmed them. They managed to get through them thanks to Gera. His physique did look intimidating, but that wasn't the reason why they got through quickly. He was a well respected man and when he asked them to make way, they complied. In contrast, Leon had tried to ask them to make way but they didn't listened, making him suspect that physique does play a part.

They finally arrived at the designated area for the behemoth. It was a wide field right outside of the city gate. There was a defensive battle that happened in this place. A large monster had apparently attacked the city and were finally able to defeat the monster with the help of the Adventurer's Guild. Apparently that is also why the permission to use this space was given easily to Gera since the governor was in good terms with him after that incident.

Leon surveyed the field, estimating its size compared to the behemoth. Thankfully, it was large enough to fit even half of the behemoth which was perfect for his cause.

"Then, I will bring out the behemoth now."

Usually Leon would move his hand as if to take something in order to take things out of inventory. However he couldn't do that considering the size of the behemoth. He then simply willed and imagined half of the behemoth's body to appear on the field. As he do so, a slight distortion in space right above the field appeared. It was similar to a ripple on a water surface.

The body of the behemoth appeared on the field and since it was a few centimeters above ground, it fell and caused small trembling. It was a success. Leon successfully retrieved an object from <<Inventory>> only by willing it and imagining the effect. This was also an experiment to him. The magic system in this world differs slightly from Grandeur Fantasia. Thus, he needed to uncover the differences in order to use magic efficiently. There might even be a possibility of using a magic spell and skill which didn't exist in Grandeur Fantasia just.

The researcher had a shocked expression after witnessing this bizarre sight. The sight of a giant monster's corpse even though it was only one fourth of it. Although they had their fill of seeing giant monsters, this was clearly on a different level. This was a monster they heard only from legends.

"Seeing it this close... I still can't believe you defeated this. When you said you were only going to give us a fourth of it for now, I didn't actually thought you would cut it four..."

"I thought it would be easier for you to do research with it. Oh, also what about the magic stone. I would like to keep a part of it for myself since I have interest in making magic items."

Leon needed to learn more about such important system that might become a very useful in the future. It didn't exist in Grandeur Fantasia, thus he would need to uncover its production technique and the power of magic items.

"Then you can sell the rest of the magic stone you don't use to us. Since we had been dealing with magic stones for a long time, we have several connections. I assure you that the price would be good. By the way, how big was the magic stone?"

"10 meters in diameter."

"T-TEN! Are you serious? That's the biggest magic stone I ever knew. Considering the monster it came from, its quality must be first class too."

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