Epilogue: Evangeline

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Five years later

This is not an enjoyable experience. That doesn't even come close. This is the worst physical pain of my entire life. And I used to train with my father. He was ruthless. But even that doesn't compare to this.

I am hyper aware of the silent stone shackles on my wrists and ankles. Were it not for them I would turn this room inside out and send a pipe through the stomachs of everyone here.

"Breathe, just breathe." A soft voice calls from
above me. "Sara is on her way."

I see a flash of red hair. Elane! I must be dreaming, or hallucinating. But as my watery eyes focus I see that it is not my girl but the youngest Barrow.

"Gisa if someone doesn't" I pause to scream as pain courses through me "get me drugs. Right. This. Second." I manage through gritted teeth, "I will kill you, and your entire family."

But she just smiles good-naturedly.

"Well someone's feisty today."

"Obviously, G." I manage through still gritted teeth, "I am about to push some tiny humans out of me."

Sara enters the room with a syringe and some hot towels.

"I came as fast as I could!" She says "Mare and Cal are coming. Just called the assembly room. They're calling an emergency pause in the assembly session. Besides, it's not like they could do much since their premier isn't even there. Didn't bother to show up, too busy giving birth three weeks early." She grins at me.

I snarl, "drug me Sara, before I rip these manacles off and shove them down your throat"

She simply smiles again and nods towards Gisa who takes my hand in hers.

"Just breath, Eve. In and out, in and out. See how hard you can squeeze my hand." She smiles, though I can see just a twinge of fear in her eyes.

And squeeze I do. At first it is harder than anything, but as Sara's soothing touch calms the pain and she inserts the needle to numb my lower body I relax, opting instead to wipe my sweat with Gisa's hands.

"Thanks very much nurse Barrow." I say as relief washes through me. "I do apologize for threatening to murder everyone you love."

She grins and squeezes my hand.

"Anytime, Eve." She says with a grin.

Nurse life suits Gisa. She was always very maternal, or so Mare and Kilorn claim. They say it's the perfect profession for her calming demeanor and disposition towards kindness. Besides, even now when segregation is far in the rear view mirror of our lives, it comforts Red's to have a both Red and Silver's helping them in the hospital. The older ones have not been quick to forget.

"Did I miss it?"

Cal yells as he comes sliding into the room, slipping so that he runs flat into the far wall. He steadies himself quickly and sees me in the bed.

"Guess not. Thanks for waiting for us, Eve."

I grin, and grasp the sides of my nightgown, pulling them into a strange sitting curtesy.

"Anything for you, Prince Charming."

He grins and comes to my side, smoothing my hair and planting a kiss on my forehead. I push him away.

"Get off, I'm all sweaty, and you're so sickeningly warm it's making it worse."

He grins and takes a step back. The sound of feet pounding in the hallway turns both our heads. In burst Mare, Farley and- Kilorn?!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2018 ⏰

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