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I have Clara in my arms when Barrow comes barreling into my room. I am about to yell at her when I see her eyes. They are red rimmed. On her heels is Evangeline Samos. Haven, Diana, her name is Haven now. I curse myself for my poor memory. Though I don't particularly like  Evangeline, I am happy for her and respect her enough to use the right name. Doesn't mean I want her in my room, I think. But Barrow seems upset and unless it was serious I doubt Haven would come see me. It doesn't take a genius to know she doesn't particularly care for me, either. 

"What is it Barrow?" I ask, resisting the urge to snap at her for disrupting my morning.

"It's Julian" she says, shoving a letter into my hands.

I read it, my brow furrowing as I skim the paper. I resist the urge to whistle as I read about the weapon. How did I never think of that? I curse myself. It is a smart move. But I'm losing focus. I stop when I get to my name.  

"Why on earth does he want me?" I sputter. "And why Haven?"

Evangeline shrugs. Clearly she is just in the dark as I am. But Barrow seems so upset I doubt she has pestered her. 

That is one friendship I can really say I didn't see coming. I should've, I mean nothing Barrow does ever makes any sense. But this seems beyond even her. The two of them grew close when Barrow first returned from the war. She says its because of their shared experiences in Montfort and The Rift last year. But I think it's because no one else knows the Calore boys like Barrow except, maybe Evangeline. That she's the best to commiserate with. 

"I don't know Farley, but we have to go".

Her voice snaps me back to reality. My head spins. I have gotten so used to having Clara around. Her first birthday wasn't long ago. She's toddling now, and using little words. I pull her close to my chest, feeling her small hands pull my hair. Samos- Haven's eyes snap to Clara and then back to me. I see in her eyes she knows my restraint, why I would rather stay. 

"It's not a war front anymore General" I resist the urge to smile at her using my title. "you can bring her".

Once again her eyes snap to Clara, the little girl giggling in my arms. She reaches her small hands out, always fascinated by Evangeline's shiny outfits and long, silver hair. I watch as Evangeline melts a piece of her dress into a small, smooth metal plane and flies it around Clara's small head. Clara smiles, and reaches for the plane. I watch as her large brown eyes widen, her mouth full of minimal teeth opening or her laughter. She is the spitting image of Shade.  wonder every day if she will be like him. I so badly want to bring her with me. I don't know if I can part from her again. 

"If you're required at a meeting, I can watch her." The silver haired woman offers.

Against my better judgement I smile. "Thank you Evangeline." I say.

I do not trust her with my baby. I think. But the offer is kind, and she means well. And no matter how much I'd hate to admit it, she is good with Clara. Her metal powers entrance the little one like nothing else. Our mutual dislike can be put to the side for the moment. For her sake.

"Alright Barrow. I'll pack our things." 

I already feel like those words were a mistake.

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