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I didn't know she could be this beautiful. I had forgotten how easily I am bewitched by her.

She's wearing the earring. I all but did cartwheels when she flipped her hair. I saw in her eyes she knew what she was doing. From the flick of her hair to the brush of her hand to the soft swing of her much more defined hips, she knew what she was doing. I can't help it as heat rises within me. I didn't think she could get more beautiful. But she has.

The year has been good to her. I watch her walk away, watch her hips sway. I enjoy the view. She knows it. I find myself thinking of her curves, curves she did not have before, curves I would very much like to get to know better. I shake my head slightly, clearing my vision and refocusing on the task at hand.

My uncle is dying. I once again feel the weight on my shoulders, a weight Mare has temporarily lifted. But then I remembered her words 'don't wait for me' and I wonder, would she have come back so soon if Uncle Julian hasn't fallen ill? Would she be here, torturing me if there wasn't another motive. I want to believe she would. But I don't know.

I decide I shall talk to her later. For now I resolve follow the general, the premier, and (for reasons I still don't understand) Eve into my uncles chambers. Sara is still in there when we enter, helping prop my uncle against some pillows so he is in a somewhat dignified position.

"Thank you for coming" he says with a soft smile, "I'm sorry for the short notice, and the circumstances".

They three of them grimace in different ways, looking into his cold, tired eyes. Farley rests a hand on his, an intimate gesture, one incredibly kind coming from her.

"You are all crucial to what is going to come next".

Farley and Davidson look between eachother and share a glance. I can see from their expressions they have the same thoughts as me.

'Why is Evangeline here?'

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