Chapter 46 <3

Beginne am Anfang

I reached Michelle’s house and we got out. “Symone I’m not feeling going here. I think I’m going to drive around to Jarsdell.” I looked at him and said “No because you are chilling with me today. We won’t stay long.” He sighed and I knocked on the door. Michael opened the door. “What up boo!” I said smiling at him. He’s so crazy. “What up baby! You looking right today!” he said then he looked at Cordell. “Where’s Michelle?” I asked going inside. “She’s upstairs with Jarsdell putting up the other crib.” I aww’d and we walked upstairs. “Look at Mommy and Daddy!” I said going inside her room. “Knock man we could have been busy.” I rolled my eyes and said “Anyways!” Cordell and Jarsdell dapped up and I sat down on the bed. “So how many weeks left?” she sighed and said 2! But I can’t take it no longer I’m going in tomorrow.” I aww’d and said “I can’t wait to see my little nephew and god son!” she chuckled and said “Yea me to! So what’s up?” I sighed and said “Did I tell you about my dad and Marion is back?” she shook her head and said “No are you forgetting I haven’t talked to you in forever. I’ve been on bed rest because dummy over here.” She said pointing to Jarsdell. I chuckled and said “Well let’s see, Cordell got drunken 2 weeks ago. I’ve just been working and that’s my life.” She rolled her eyes and said “Oh at that all week party?” I nodded and she sighed “Jarsdell said he wasn’t there but he was. I got eyes everywhere. What if I went into labor that night?” she said directing it to Jarsdell. He sighed and said “See what I go through Cordell.” Cordell chuckled and said “Man right she...” I looked at Cordell and said “Don’t finish that! You be slick trynna play me!” he shook his head and Michelle said “What you said! You aint never lied.”

We talked for about an hour till Michelle literally fell asleep on me. I was mad! Jarsdell started laughing. “See your girl so lame she made my baby fall asleep.”  I flipped him off and Cordell said “Right, come on Symone I’m hungry.” I sighed and got up. “Tell Michelle I’m mad at her.” Jarsdell nodded at me and we left.

I wanted some Krystal’s! I know random but this dummy has no taste in food. He will literally eat the same thing for weeks. That’s not cute. “Hey babe how does Krystal’s sound?” I asked while I turned the corner. “I don’t care. I’m hungry I know that for a fact.” I nodded and drove to Krystal’s. When I reached we got out and Cordell said “I kind of don’t want this. How about we go to the house and I’ll cook for you.” I sighed and rolled my eyes. “Cordell don’t play with me then you don’t.” he chuckled and took my keys from me running to my car. “You punk!” I said going to my car. I slid in the passenger’s side and Cordell started up the car speeding off. “Jeez kill me then!” I said putting on my seatbelt. “I’m sorry babe.” He said smiling. “Keep playing with me.” I said.

When we reached home I got out and Cordell said “Shid I hope you got food here.” I sighed and we went inside. “Oh hey Symone you guys are back?” my dad said turning his direction from the TV. “Yea I got hungry and was going to stop but this Negro insists he cooks for Me.” my dad shook his head and said “Language Symone!” i chuckled and we went in the kitchen. Cordell set out the hamburger helper stuff. “Are you kidding me right now?” I asked looking at him. “Hell no I’m not kidding about shid.” Cordell said looking at me. “WATCH YOUR MOUTH!” my mom shouted out the blue. “Oh shid! I mean sorry Ms. Wilson.” I looked at him and started laughing. “You better fix that language!” she said hitting him with her hand. “I’m sorry!” he said laughing. I sat down on the stool and my mom said “It’s really late to eat. I would just quickly go grab a sub or something.” I nodded and said “Right, well if we go out then I’ll spend the night at your house?” he nodded and said “You got work in the morning though!” I shrugged and said “I’ll bring my clothes and leave from your house. It’s okay if you don’t want me to.” He shook his head and said “I do want you to come but I was just saying.” I nodded and I knew he didn’t want me to come over. “I’ll be back with my clothes.” My mom looked at me and said “So you make your own decisions now?” I looked at her confused and Cordell said “Can Symone stay the night?” my mom smiled and said “Sure she may. She needs to stop thinking she grown and going anywhere without permission. Just because you are 17 doesn’t mean a thing!” she said starting this lesson which I constantly get in trouble about. “Are you listening to me? This is because you always seen to get this idea that you’re grown because you got a boyfriend. It won’t hurt to ask. The worst I’ll ever say is no. Your dad may not be here for you to ask but still call or text.” I nodded and said “Yes ma’am.” My dad came in the kitchen. “Here you go again talking about me.” he said going in the fridge. Cordell stood there smirking at me. “It’s not funny Cordell” I said going upstairs while my parents started again. “It is funny! She came out of nowhere with that!” I sighed and grabbed my bag grabbing my outfit I picked out earlier. I was slick sleepy. I packed everything else I needed. “Hurry your slow self-up. It doesn’t take that long.” I sighed and said “I’m done I’m just looking for something.” I found what I needed and said “Okay I’m finished.” He grabbed my bag from me and we walked downstairs. “Alright we are leaving! Good night. I go in at 10 to 4 tomorrow!” I said walking to the front door. “Okay then. I have a late shift tomorrow too.  You MIGHT see your father. Depending on if he’s at work or not. The twins will be home.” I nodded and said “Alright bye!” “Bye” was the response I got. I hopped in my car and Cordell said “Okay I’ll stop and get something light to eat. You just go straight to the house.” I nodded at his cuteness thinking he’s my daddy! He smiled and pecked my forehead. I started my car roaring it up and Cordell shook his head getting in his car. I pulled out going to his house.  

Rich girls can fall in love with just a normal guy . . . &lt;3Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt