Ch. 9

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Jay's POV
I heard a scream, and I knew for a fact that it was Nya. I did spinjitsu and tied up the rest of the gang members and headed straight from where the scream came from. I saw her, being held this weird guy with long black hair and I knew I had to step in. Before I could, Nya did spinjitsu got out of his grip. I silently cheered her on but then the guy did something that made my blood boil.
He punched her in the face and knocked her out! I yelled angrily as I ran towards him, but all he did was laugh and he disappeared. I skidded to a stop and looked around, scratching my head.
"What the what?" I exclaimed, as I saw him near the ship, with my precious girlfriend.
He was taking her to their lair, or wherever the members of The Eternals lived. Suddenly some one yelled retreat, and all of the members ran towards the ship. I noticed Kai, Cole, Kai's Dad, Zane, and Lloyd all run towards me, and we watched as The Eternals took their leave.
"C'mon we gotta go save Nya!" I screeched as the ship then floated away. "They could be doing bad things to her or maybe even-"
"Don't worry Jay," Lloyd said smirking. "I've got a plan."
"Yeah, if that plan was for to get Nya kidnapped and taken away-"
"Wait, where's Maya?" Kai and Nya's father Ray asked urgently.
"I'm right here."
We turned around to see Maya standing behind us. "The people of Ignacia found a safe place for now." She said as she looked around the destruction of what was once an amazing town.
"Wait, why isn't Nya here?" She asked worridly steeping close to her husband.
"She was kidnapped, but don't worry we'll get her back Mrs. Smith." Cole answered calmly. He was always the best at calming people down, even if he could be a worry wort himself sometimes. But that's  beside the point, we needed Nya back now!
"Forget your stupid plan Lloyd," I spat while walking towards my Stormfighter. "I'm going to save Nya!"
Good thing I modified it to where it can float on water, that was something I was proud of. Suddenly a pair of hands held me back, and I looked up to see Nya's father. I gulped and shrank back while bowing my head.
"Jay, we will get my daughter back," He said, his voice booming. "But, if we go head first, everything will be a disaster. We need time and patience first, then I promise you Nya will be safe."
"Yes sir, Mr. Smith." I squeaked causing everyone to laugh.
"And please for the millionth time call me Ray," Ray said smiling softly. "I'm not that scary, am I?"
"Yeah I'm pretty sure you are," Kia spoke up smiling. "Hell, I'm surprised Jay didn't piss his pants when he first met ya."
"Language, Kai Ranger." Maya scolded making Kai look down.
"Sorry mom," He said smiling sheepishly. "It just sometimes slips out."
"Ha look who's the scared one now!" I teased making Kai glare at me.
"Anyways, Zane did you get an idea on where The Eternals were going?" Lloyd asked, making us all turn to Zane.
"Yes, Falcon placed a gps system on their ship when we were fighting the others." Zane said, as his falcon sat on his shoulder.
"Alright!" I shouted eagerly."Let's get going!"
Kai's POV
We were back in the bounty, and sitting in the living room Lloyd was talking about his plan.
"We can disguise ourselves as members of The Eternals and get Nya that way!" Lloyd said. "Disguises always worked for us before right?"
"I don't think that'll work," Cole spoke up shifting in his seat. "Before that inmate left he had a tattoo on his arm, and I think that's their logo."
"Cole buddy, lots of inmates have tattoos," Jay said harshly. "I'm pretty sure that was just a normal tattoo, plus I'm not too keen on getting one myself of we were to disguise ourselves."
"But that's not just it," Cole spoke, his voice getting more intense. "That tattoo, was the same design as the mark on Kai's chest from before!"
"Wait, when did Kai have a mark on his chest?" Mom asked, looking at me, wanting an answer.
"It's kind of a long story..." I said while rubbing the back of my neck.
"Honey if that mark is dangerous then you need to get it off immediately!" Mom said coming closer to me. "Now where is it?"
"Mom it's already gone don't worry," I said as I  pushed her hands away from me. "Now c'mon checking up on me like this isn't necessary!"
"I'm your mother," Mom said glaring at me slightly. "Checking up on you is what I do."
I just nodded and blushed at the look Cole was giving me. I just glared at him and shook my head.
"Anyways, I think disguises is a Good idea," Skylor added, sitting on the couch with Ronin and Zane.
"Disguises it is then!" Wu said coming up in the middle of the room. "It has been a long day, so you ninja and, ninja parents get a good rest and we'll get up at the crack of dawn."
"But who needs rest when your girlfriend is kidnapped and probably getting tortured this very moment!"
"There is no need for talk like that!" I snapped hitting Jay on the head. "Maybe it should've been you kidnapped and we wouldn't have to hear your pessimistic mouth all the time!"
"Maybe it should've been you because you're way high up on cloud 9 staring at Cole than more worried about your own pregnant sister!"
I was about to punch Jay's stupid face when Cole held my arm back, coughing awkwardly.
"I think that's enough for tonight." He said glaring at Jay.
I stood up and walked to my room, when I suddenly realized Mom and Dad have no where to sleep.
"Hey Mom, Dad if you want you can sleep in my room for tonight." I said going back into the living room. Everyone else left to their rooms, leaving Mom, Dad, Cole and I standing in the living room.
"That's nice of you Kai, but where will you sleep?" Mom asked, making me rub my arm.
"Well, if it's okay with Kai he can sleep in my room." Cole suggested, his face becoming red.
"How would that work?" Dad asked. "Will he be sleeping with you on the bed or will he have a bed of his own?"
"Um..There's only one bed in my room so I guess we'll be sleeping together?" Cole said awkwardly.
Wow, I never seen him this intimated by anyone, let alone my father. Dad nodded and asked where my bedroom was. I pointed to it, and Mom and Dad went. Now Cole and I were in the living room, alone.
"I doubt anyone's actually going to go to sleep so do you wanna stay up a while?" Cole asked while grabbing my hand.
"Nah, honestly I'm a bit tired plus I wanna be fully awake when we beat those guy's asses tomorrow. No one messes with my sister, better yet my future niece or nephew." I said making a fist with my free hand.
Cole giggled and kissed my cheek, making me blush deeply. He then led me to his room where he then lied down. I've never actually slept with someone before, at least not like this. Sure when me and Skylor dated we bunked together sometimes, but I never slept in the same bed with a guy.
"Aren't you going to lay down?" Cole asked, patting the spot next to him.
I blushed and nodded, then got in bed laying beside Cole. Wow this was awkward, but at the same time it kind of felt nice. I decided to be bold and wrap my arms around him.
"You're super warm," Cole said staring at me lovingly. "I like it."
"Thanks, you're warm too." I giggled and blushed, snuggling up to Cole more.
"Goodnight Kai." Cole said kissing my forehead softly before closing his eyes.
"Goodnight Cole."
And goodnight Nya, wherever you are. When I get my hands on those Eternals I will burn them to a crisp. Don't worry Nya, we'll get you back.

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