Ch. 6

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Kai's POV
I sighed as I packed the last of my stuff in my suitcase. Cole hugged me from behind, kissing my cheek. Leaning back I smiled at the affection, embracing the warmth of his hug. Sadly when Nya knocked on the door, we had to part.
"Sure you don't need me to come with you?" Cole asked, eyes filled with worry.
"We're ninja, we'll be fine on our own," I said hauling my suitcase to the door. "Besides, I'll call you when we get there. It's only gonna be for a few days, promise."
Cole didn't look convinced, but dropped it anyways. Nya and I called mom and dad to see if we could stay for a few days. Sure they didn't mind, but we didn't tell them the reason we were coming. Nya didn't want to make a big scene by arriving with the bounty, so it was by train we were to travel. Cole, like the true gentleman he was opened the door for me and gave me a peck on the lips.
I blushed deeply, but on the inside I was feeling warmer than the sun. Sure we just started dating, but I think I love him. Master Wu said it was alright for us to go, since they were family after all. Soon we were at the train station, and I felt a bit sad. I mean, who wouldn't after getting together with their long time crush, only to go a long ways away for a few days.
Jay kissed Nya goodbye, and patted her stomach. I half smiled at the two, and was surprised when Cole wrapped me up in a hug. It's not that I didn't like being affectionate but, it's a bit new to be doing it out in public.
"U-um Cole not in p-public please," I said a bit shyly, and Cole let go, looking at me knowingly.
The train whistled, and I rushed in the train, not before waving to Cole and the others of course. I sighed as I sat down, taking Nya's bags and sat them by my feet.
"I'm not completely helpless you know." Nya said as she sat down beside me.
"Yeah I know, I just like to help." I said looking out the window.
"Is something wrong?" Nya asked, her voice full of concern.
I sighed and looked at her, feeling a bit queasy.
"I don't know it's just going back home and seeing them, it's been quite a long time since we've actually been together under one roof."
Nya nodded, and but her hand on my shoulder. She smiled at me, telling me with her eyes everything was gonna be alright.
"I know how you feel," Nya said after a moment. "But it's gonna go great, trust me."
"How do you always see the bright side of things?" I asked her, laughing a bit. She smiled at me and winked.
"I guess dating Jay made me learn a thing or two."
I shook my head and chuckled, sighing as I looked back out of the window.
Jay's POV
Soon after Kai and Nya left Cole and I went to Ninjago City Jail to interview that gang member. With all that's been happening, we haven't had a chance to fully dwell into The Whispering Blade bizz and it was driving everyone bonkers! Well except for me, I was more worried about Nya than anything. We were currently traveling on the rooftops cuz you know we had to keep a low profile and a bunch of other ninja blah blah blah. Cole stopped and then looked at the ground squinting his eyes.
"What's up dude?" I asked stopping right before I reached the edge of the roof. He looked at me and then back to the ground, signaling for me to come closer. I was about to look down when Cole grabbed me and manhandled me, making me dangle from the roof.
"Hey this isn't funny let me go!" I screeched as he held onto the back of my GI, holding on tight. "C'mon man, have I ever told you I had a slight fear of heights?"
"Sorry dude, but Kai told me to put you in check, you know to make sure you don't do anything until he and Nya gets back." Cole said as he still held me away from the roof, where I could fall to my death at any given moment.
"And he told you to hang me off a roof!?" I yelled, flailing my legs and holding onto Cole's arm. I looked up at him and glared, but all he did was smile.
"Nah, actually this was my idea. It was the only way I'd get your attention."
"And what is so important that you and Kai need to 'keep me in check for'?"
"When are you gonna propose to her yet?"
That question caught me off guard, and I looked up at Cole in confusion.
"W-what did you say?" I asked in confusion. He lifted me up and then put me down on the roof, which I was very thankful for. Cole looked at me very seriously in the eyes, and I knew he was gonna pry an answer from me.
"I said, when are you gonna propose. To Nya?"
My eyes widened and I gasped in shock. I forgot that marrying Nya would be a thing. Before, I was so set on asking her but now, I'm a bit afraid. I bit my lip and rubbed my arms, a habit I got since the cave.
"Well are you gonna answer or not?" Cole asked, crossing his arms and tapping his foot impatiently.
"Cole listen, marriage is a serious thing, and I just can't ask her out of the blue!" I shouted, becoming defensive. "Heck, if anything I didn't think marriage was gonna be an option right now, with all that's been happening, it's gonna be super stressful and-"
"Oh and getting her pregnant isn't stressful?" Cole asked, arching his eyebrow. "Why can't you just ask?"
"It's not that simple, c'mon let's just go to the jail already I don't wanna waste any more time!"
I started to walk forward but Cole stopped me, putting his arms on my shoulders and holding me in place. Damn him and his super strength! He looked at me in the eyes, and I knew there was no running away from the truth.
"It's just...uh well..." I trailed off, not knowing what to say, or if I could say it at all.
"Spit it out!" Cole shouted, his grip on my arms becoming painful.
"Alright alright!" I yelled with my eyes clenched shut. "I...I'm afraid I won't be a good husband to Nya..."
Cole looked at me shocked, and then released my arms. I rubbed where there now might be bruises, Cole looked down sheepishly and then back up.
"That was it?" He asked, putting his arms in his pockets.
I looked away, my face probably as red as Kai's GI and nodded. Cole put his hand on my shoulder, and smiled softly.
"Jay, you're the best match for Nya. She is absolutely head over heels for you, why would you think you wouldn't be a good husband?"
I was about to answer, when a loud crash was heard. Without a second thought or glimspe Cole and I rushed to where the sound came from. We jumped off the roof and landed on the ground, near where a building had been destroyed. It was on fire, and what I could make out was that it was...The prison.

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