Ch. 7

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Nya's POV
I sighed happily as I walked into my old room. Luckily during the skeleton attack nothing got ruined, which is kind of surprising. All my childhood stuff was still here, and I relished those fine memories as I touched shelves and looked through old photos. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder, and saw my mom staring down at me.
"Hey mom," I said smiling a bit. "What's up?"
"Nothing is up with me, just I know something is up with you." Mom said slyly making me squeak out in surprise.
"W-why would you t-think that?" I asked, my voice becoming higher. "N-nothing is going on with me, nope! I'm just fine!"
Mom raised an eyebrow at me and I knew there was no use in lying. Mom could read me like a book. I sighed and bowed my head, pouting.
"Fine, there is something but please don't be mad." I said becoming fearful.
"Why on earth would I be mad sweetie?" Mom asked, sitting down beside me and putting a hand on my back. I tensed, but relaxed in my mom's touch.
"M-mom, I'm pregnant!" I said quickly, tears forming in my eyes.
Mom's eyes widened, but she then formed a big smile and hugged me. I was shocked at first, but then melted into the hug, crying tears of happiness.
"Oh honey that's amazing!" Mom exclaimed, squeezing me tight.
"Thanks mom, I'm so happy you're not mad." I said looking up at her with a wide smile.
"I'm not mad if that means I get grandchildren!" Mom said giggling. "If only Kai would get off his butt and get a wife, then I can't wait for those little feets running around!"
I chuckled nervously when mom suggested Kai should get a wife. Honestly with how strung he's been with Cole, children weren't possible for them. Unless they adopt, but that's beside the point.
"Speaking of, we should probably get to dinner!" I chirped up, standing up quickly and rushing to the ktichen, where Kai and dad were already making  plates. Dad noticed and smiled, but his smile dropped when he saw me.
"What's wrong Nya?' He asked concerned.
"Yeah you look like your face got swamped with water." Kai added, only to be nudged by Dad who gave him a look.
"Nah, I'm good you guys." I said trying to be as convincing as possible. "Now gimme some of that good grub!"
I took a plate and started eating right away, and oh my God this was amazing! Dad and Kai looked at me strangely, and I wondered if I had something on my face.
"Why are you guys looking at me like that?" I asked, sitting the plate down.
"That's spinach sis," Kai said pointing at the plate. "You hate spinach."
"Are you sure everything's alright Nya?" Dad asked, his eyes full of worry.
I sighed and shook my head, sitting down at the table.
"There is something, but it can wait after dinner." I said gloomy.
"Okay sweetheart."
Kai's POV
Dinner was awkward, to say the least. Mom and Nya sat real close and I had a feeling mom knew. Dad on the other hand was quiet, and I knew he was worried sick about my sister. I mean I am too, she ate spinach for hell's sake! And she refused to eat it for the past 17 years, I guess that's what being pregnant does to ya. I was currently eating and talking with dad when a got a phone call.
"Uh oops sorry guys, I gotta take this!" I said once I saw it was Lloyd.
They said they'd only call me if something important happend, and I haven't heard from Cole so something must be up. I stepped out of the kitchen and into the living room and picked up.
"What's up?" I asked tense.
"We need you back here," Lloyd said hurriedly. "There somehow was a bomb planted in the prison, and most of the inmates escaped."
"Dammit again?" I complained angrily. "Those assholes don't know when to quit."
"That's not all Kai." Lloyd said his voice wavering in fear. "They're coming after you."

Now this is where I hope things get interesting, I'm a little behind in my updating schedule, but I wanted to get this out before I did anything else today. Also it was my first day of school, and they don't have any internet!!!!  But at least I can come home and I'll have internet then! ☺

Ninjago- The Whispering Blade: Book 2Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin