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disclaimer: i wrote this really late at night without any proofreading so this could all be a flop yikes


I didn't know how long I'd been out.

Maybe a few hours? Days? Weeks? I didn't have any grasp on time at the moment. It felt as if everything had blurred into one continuous loop and I'd been out of it for too long.

There'd been times where I slipped in and out of consciousness. During these moments I could sometimes make out small snippets of conversations. Sometimes, I could feel Alex poking around in my head but it was always impossible to communicate with him.

But there had been days when I'd felt Kellin's thoughts. He was much stronger than he had been when we were growing up. I didn't always have the privilege to experience the full extent of his powers, but now in my broken-down state I was encompassed by it.

Kellin manipulated both of our powers in order to communicate telepathically with me. It didn't always work - I couldn't always respond.

But this time was different. I could physically feel myself waking up.

But when I begrudgingly opened my eyes, it took a few minutes for them to adjust. I already knew that I was alone: it was far too cold in my room and eerily quiet. There was usually a buzzing of people around my bed, coming to check my condition or just coming to talk to each other.

I vaguely remember hearing from Kellin that Hayley and her fiancé had come to visit. Hayley had obviously been unsuccessful in waking me up.

But now, I was alone. I tried not to be a little upset by it. Maybe I'd been out for so long that everyone had gotten bored and moved on.

I tried not to let it bother me too much and worked on trying to get my limbs to co-operate with me. It had been so long since I even moved that I was having trouble with doing anything it seemed.

Eventually after a lot of effort I managed to get out of bed and started to wander around my house, looking for Wings. I knew that Jaime had probably been feeding her since I'd been indisposed - and she was capable of caring for herself if need be, so I wasn't too worried about her wellbeing. But even as I went around tutting quietly for her, she didn't pitch. I couldn't even hear the flutter of her wings around the rafters at all.

How long had I been out for that even Wings had decided to flee?

I was feeling more than a little distressed and hoped that a friendly face could put everything at ease. But when I phoned Jaime - he didn't answer. Tony's phone didn't even ring and Alex's went straight to voicemail.

Without any other options left, I phoned the one human being I actually wanted to talk to.

"Listen, if this is a prank it's not fucking funny," he yelled into the phone. "Don't fucking phone from Vic's number."

"Um, hey," I said, having to clear my voice due to how raspy it was sounding. "It's not-"

"Vic?" his voice had gone strained. "Is that you?"

Before I could answer, the call had cut. I would have been irritated if he didn't materialize right in front of me with that familiar pop.

"Hey," I spoke, my voice still sounding weird from disuse.

He grabbed me then, pulling me into a tight hug. I wrapped my own arms around his skinny frame, clinging to the only contact with another living thing since I'd woken up.

"I thought you were gone," he mumbled into my shoulder.

"But you've been talking to me?" I reminded him. "Even though I was in that comatose state, you still used to come talk with me, remember? We just spoke recently."

Abracadabra, You're Gay (Kellic) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu