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buckle up guys. this is a heavy one.


I swallowed.

There was no way.

It could've been something else. She could be phoning for a million different things, to say a million different things back to me. There was no way this was going to happen to me.

"What is it?" Alex asked, leaning over to see my phone. "Why's she phoning?"

"I don't know," I mumbled, my mouth drying up as I spoke.

"Well answer then," Alex said, picking up on the anxiety that was bleeding off of me.

I didn't want him to tell him I couldn't hear her voice telling me what I dreaded she would. I couldn't tell him I was practically paralyzed with fear.

But I held the phone to my ear and shakily said her name into it, praying to whatever being was in the sky that they would not do this to me. Not now. Not after everything I've been through.

"Vic," Hayley replied cheerily. "I just wanted to-"

"Did you hurt him yet?" I blurted out, not able to stop the tumble of words as they left my mouth.

Hayley was quiet for a few seconds, leaving the line crackling in my ear as the only indication that our call hadn't cut.

"Vic, that's why I've phoned," she spoke eventually, her tone neutral and calm.

I practically felt my heart sink into my stomach, dissolving in my digestive acids. From the way Alex's face screwed up in shock, he was able to read the distress that was coating me like a thick veil.

"Vic," Hayley repeated after I didn't say anything. "I thought you wanted this. This was the one thing you asked me for."

"I know," was all I managed out.

I did this to him.

I did this.

He was dead and it was all my fucking fault. How ironic that I'd lose him just as I managed to get him. It had taken an entire century for me to admit the feelings I had for him - not only to him but also to myself. Now it was for nothing. I had had it all, and now again, like those many many years ago, I find myself back with nothing.

Hayley sighed on the other end. "I thought you hated him. I thought this was how I fulfill my duty to you - fulfill my commitment that I made. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I tried," I managed weakly. "I just kept putting it off. I couldn't admit it before-"

"Vic," Hayley snapped, cutting me off, "come to me right now."

"I don't know where you are."

"I'm home."


I teleported instantly into Kellin's living room. The house in Milan was beautiful - not constructed by wizards but created by the mortals instead. Even so, the house was made so that the sunlight trickled in through the windows constantly, leaving the interior of the house always feeling warm and cozy.

I had realized just how in love with him I was when he brought me here the first time. I couldn't place it into words at the time but I knew right then that I'd do anything for him - be anything for him.

Abracadabra, You're Gay (Kellic) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن