Twenty: Before: (7)

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HERE, our dumb boy finally gets told what's what


March 1915

There was something about the new boy, Dan that had the hair rising at the back of my neck. I couldn't figure out why exactly my stomach churned whenever he walked into the room, but it did and one day out of sheer panic, I'd probably toss a binding spell at him and prevent him from moving.

Nobody else seemed to feel this way about him- in fact he'd quickly befriended Kellin. I tried not to seethe whenever I saw the two of them together - how dare he try and steal my best friend?

He was playing at something though. I couldn't figure out what exactly but I knew it was something... bad. He didn't speak to me as much as he spoke to everyone else in our dorm room. In fact, it seemed he was best friends with everyone - except me.

Sometimes I'd catch him giving me a side-grin and looking at me as if he knew something I didn't. But if we locked eyes for too long, that sneaky smile would disappear as if it had never existed and he'd look away from me.

It's like he was trying to fuck with my mind, playing innocent in front of everyone else but showing me those sides of him that weren't so savory. I couldn't prove it but I knew he was infiltrating my dreams at night, filling my head with nightmares. I didn't know why he was targeting only me like this and whenever I tried to tell anybody, they thought I was just being jealous of him.

"There's something about him that's unnerving," I said to Kellin.

Kellin rolled his eyes, shifting the weight of his books from one arm to another. "Sure, Vic."

"Why don't you believe me?" I mumbled irritably.

"You've been saying the same thing about Dan for two months," Kellin sighed. "It's getting old, Vic."

"Don't you think it's funny that Danielle hasn't been able to-" I began.

"I don't need you to justify yourself," Kellin interrupted me, the slightest edge lining his voice as he spoke. His sudden offishness took me a little by surprise. "I don't care about Danielle's stupid visions. Maybe she's just not as good as you thought she was. It can't possibly have anything to do with Dan, he only barely learnt how to make a good fireball last week."

"I know you've got some thing with Danielle but-"

Kellin stopped walking and looked at me angrily. "You are the one with the thing with Danielle."

"She's my best friend-"

"Who you occasionally make out with," Kellin countered.

"What does that have to do with anything?" I replied sheepishly.

Kellin shrugged, turning around and continuing to walk. "Just admit that you worship her."

"Why?" I pressed. "Why does it bug you so much?"

"It doesn't-"

"Why do you hate her so much?" I snapped. "Why can't you just be happy that I'm happy with her-"

"So you admit that you're with her?" Kellin pried, looking at me with angry eyes.

"So what if I am?" I said, even though I wasn't - not really anyways. Yeah, Dani and I made out occasionally but we hadn't made it official. "It doesn't affect you."

My words shifted something in Kellin.
"Yeah," he mumbled softly, "it does."

He sped up his pace, practically running away from me as he headed off to class. I tried to keep up with him but as we rounded a corner, Dan caught sight of him and pulled him into his circle of friends.

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