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Guess who's back!!
lowkey disappeared because i contemplated whether or not i was ever going to write again but i am so here ya go
i also might publish a new book at some point so wait for that one lol


"Vic," Mike sighed. He scrubbed his face with his hand and gave me a tired look. "How... how have you been?"

I raised my eyebrows at him, putting the book I was researching down and folding my arms.

"How have I... been?" I repeated, looking at him blankly. "Is that really what you're asking?"

Mike rolled his eyes. "I haven't seen my brother for something like thirty years. I think I'm allowed to ask what you've been doing."

"You're allowed to ask," I said, "I just don't know why you want to. It's not like you actually care or anything."

Mike rubbed his neck awkwardly. "I do care."

"You haven't bother to contact me once, in those thirty years," I said defensively. "Yet you seem to be very buddy buddy with Jaime."

Mike smiled a little. "Are you being so offish with me today because I told Jaime about the ward thing?"

I shifted uncomfortably. "I don't care about that."

"Have you seen Kellin lately?" Mike asked.

I actually hadn't seen Kellin for the last month. I frowned, thinking it over in my head. The only other times I'd managed to get rid of Kellin for this long was when I'd packed up shop and moved somewhere desolate. Even then, it'd taken a few weeks for him to use his stupid gift and come knocking on my door, preceding to kill my pot plants or something.

"Why's he avoiding you?" Mike asked. "That's not... like him is it?"

I looked down at my hands, unsure of how to respond to the question. Mike knew the relationship I had had with Kellin and he knew what it had fizzled out into.

I sighed, "I'm sure he'll come round eventually. He unfortunately always does."

Mike smiled, a small smile but I saw it before he turned away, pressing his face into a book and beginning the research he was supposed to be doing.

"You can deny it," he said in a sing-song voice. "But you forget I know."

"Know what?"

"How it used to be between you. How close you guys were."

I tasted battery acid in my mouth from his words. "Well, it's not like that anymore."

Mike shrugged. "You guys couldn't exist without each other."

Mike looked up at me before shrugging again and pulling a book out of the shelf. "You still can't."


"It's not," Mike said matter-of-factly. "You can't exist with Kellin and he can't exist without you. You're... drawn to each other somehow - whether it's friendship or hatred."

"This isn't a fairytale," I scoffed. "There's no such thing as being drawn to somebody."

Mike sighed and I could feel him smirking across the room. "Tell me, you're disappointed that he hasn't shown up, aren't you?"

"I'm not," I snapped. "If anything, I'm relieved. It means I can work in peace."

"You can lie to Jaime about this all you like," Mike said. "He wasn't there in the 1900s, so he never actually witnessed the two of you."

Abracadabra, You're Gay (Kellic) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя