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happy new year everyone! i hope 2018 is filled with only good things for all of you.
this fight scene was supposed to be sooooo much longer but tbh i thought it was getting boring so anyways
enjoy some sassy vic as he beats his way through council members BUT WARNING MILD MILD like really mild VIOLENce


Never in my hundred odd years on Earth had I ever used magic this intensely before. One wrong move, one wrong counter-spell and I could be lying on the floor dead.

God, it was the most fun I've ever had.

Hayley had kept her promise by calling a portal jumper and mind-manipulator or whatever their respective professions were called. I hadn't bothered to catch either of their names before the fight but now I was watching them with some admiration for their skills. At least they knew how to really use their powers.

Even though I hadn't seen Mike's power in action, I was still taken aback by the intensity with the way in which he fought. He was doing it with a seriousness that I was strongly lacking - mostly because to me, this was all one giant game.

It's why I was fighting with such a big smile plastered across my arrogant face - this was finally a challenge for me.

Magic had always come easily to me - or easier than usual and so for this to be a little bit of a stretch was exhilarating. But, there was not a doubt in my brain that thought it was too much or that I couldn't do this. I was absolutely demolishing council members left and right.

Out of the four of us, Hayley was the most fascinating for me to watch. She worked with a ruthless accuracy that landed instant fatal hits and it wasn't hard for me to wonder what had given her such a terrifying reputation.

"You should give up now," the person I was fighting with currently snarled. "You're outnumbered."

"You're outranked," I replied, countering her spell and knocking her backwards a hundred feet.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the portal girl get hit and go flying. In a matter of seconds all these council members would swarm all over her and well... she'd be making a one-way portal to the afterlife after that.

In a flash, I had teleported to her side and picked her unconscious body up. She was still breathing, albeit shallowly, but that was the one good thing. I opened up my own portal and as gently as I could possibly muster - I tossed her into it, knowing at least she'd be safe. It was only after that I realised I had opened a portal back to my house and dumped a stranger there, but for now my mind was more focused on not dying. (Not that that was hard or anything, all these council members were such amateurs.)

I blocked every spell that came near me with such ease it was almost like I could've curled up into a ball and taken a nap in the middle of the battlefield.

God, I could feel the cockiness pumping through my body with every beat of my heart but I couldn't even stop myself. I wondered if it would be my downfall, like so many people used to say.

"You're not strong enough for all of us," a woman scoffed, throwing a lazy spell at me.

I was almost offended by how easy she thought it was going to be.

I raised my eyebrows questioningly. "You must not know who I am."

"The infamous Fuentes," she said, rolling her eyes and tossing another lazy spell that I avoided as well. "I know your egotistical type - the ones who are too confident with their type of magic."

"Well show me what type of magic yours is," I said, unable to suppress the grin forming on my face. "And I'll be good at that too."

She looked at me with brief shock written all over her face, before it was quickly replaced with seething anger.

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