Yet, in the recesses of her mind, she knew that the moment she had popped back here without a second thought, she had started sliding down a slope that she couldn't claw her way out of.

Every time she went, she knew the risk of letting Kai out. She that if he managed to get free from his chains, if he could find any hospital, if he found her one of these times...well, Kai would stop at nothing to regain access to society. He'd already proven that once.

But, as the years went on, she became more confident that he was desiccated, so the threat was slipping away more and more. And that should have been it. That should have been the extent that Bonnie thought about Kai. But it wasn't.

That was her second secret.

Bonnie thought of Kai almost as often as she thought about the Prison World. When she was back in the world, it was like in the back of her mind, he was always there, mentally. Magically, she could feel his presence there as a secondary magical being. If she could feel him, she was absolutely sure that Kai could feel her. She thought sometimes she could feel him feeling her, she could almost reach out and tug on that desperation that Kai felt, that utter dark need.

Magic was complicated. Magic was selfish. Magic was not biased. Magic did things to better the magic.

And the fact that two witches, the last of their covens (because while Alaric's twins were Jo's, they weren't really Geminis, even if they were twins), existed out there that brushed close enough to feel each other's magical signature often, but never touched- two ships in the night- was driving magic crazy.

Nevermind the fact that one was a murderer who had done unspeakable things. Nevermind the fact that Kai would sooner kill Bonnie over anything else. Nevermind the fact Bonnie would sooner kill Kai.

As far as the magic was concerned, they'd been attracted to each other, once. And even if they hadn't been, maybe it wouldn't have cared.

Magic did what magic did.

And the magic currently? It was tugging Bonnie back to Kai as hard as it could, and Bonnie was resisting it every moment. The first time she'd felt the urge settle in her bones, she'd popped away, thinking it was the proximity of existing in the world. Apparently, that didn't matter, so Bonnie continued to return.

This led Bonnie to her third secret; the one, that above all, she couldn't let anyone know:

Bonnie wanted to fuck Kai.

Maybe it was the magic, she told herself, maybe it was the magic that made her feel things for him. However, she doubted it, since this secret had taken hold of her the moment she saw him years ago. She'd battled this urge for years, frankly.

Liking Kai and wanting to jump his bones were two very different things. When she told Kai she'd never like him, that much was true. She'd heard great things about hatefucking someone, though.

And whatever it was, magic, some perverted urge, the fact she hadn't been laid in ages, or plain old hormones...Bonnie was finding the pull to where Kai was harder and harder to resist.

She would find herself drawing closer each time, each jump into this world she'd go a step closer to where he still was. To town, to the square, to the street, to a store down, and finally now...pacing outside of the door.

She could still hear Spin Doctors blasting, which told her pretty concretely Kai was still trapped since she knew the first thing he would do when he broke free would have been to smash every Spin Doctor's track into oblivion.

"Okay, I'm here," Bonnie said out loud to no one, "What more do you want?"

She shouldn't have asked; she knew well enough. Magic wanted to continue. Magic wanted people to be able to wield magic. Magic wanted covens to create new little witches to teach the craft to. The continuation was well enough understood from there.

Two Can Keep A Secret (Bonkai)Where stories live. Discover now