And to think I was warming up to the idea

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I went home and cried. My mom came into my room shortly after I busted through the door, my face red and breathing heavy. She knocked lightly on the door and I tried to wipe the tears off my stained face.

"Hi, baby. Is everything okay?" I would have laughed if I wasn't suffering from possible heartbreak.

"I think...Rey and I just broke up," My mom just tilted her head to the side and gave me a sad smile.

"Yeah, that happens. It'll be okay. Now you can go off to college with no string attached and find someone better," I know she meant a female.

I didn't want to listen to her, so I shook my head, "Can I just be alone?"

She hesitantly left my room, softly shutting the door behind her. I don't believe in love, but I felt something for Rey I'd never felt before. It was weird, but feeling the burn in my lungs from crying almost made me believe I was suffering from a heartbreak.

My mom must have been slightly concerned because a few minutes later there was another knock at the door, and Sheppard poked his head inside.

"Hey, Bark, you okay?" 

I shake my head and sniff, "I'm sure Mom told you."

Sheppard sucks in a breath and shits on my bed, "Yeah. She did. But how are you feeling? What happened?"

I shake my head again, all these emotions still stirring fresh inside of me, "I don't know, Shep. I felt like maybe we were just getting farther and farther apart. And I confronted him about...things he didn't respond. Just stared at the floor after I poured all these nasty thoughts out," I look Sheppard in the eye, my own blurry with new tears, "I hate how this feels, Shep. I've never felt like this, and I hate it."

Sheppard nods, and I feel guilty for putting him on this. He doesn't understand, how could he. But here I am dragging him through the mud with me.

"I know, Bark, I know. I think you liked Rey more than you've ever felt for any of the other idiots you dated," I let out a weak laugh, "But everything happens for a reason, yeah? Something good will come out of this in time, you just have to accept how you feel and understand you will have to move on."

I laugh again and wipe under my eyes, "When the hell did you become my therapist?"

Sheppard laughs and eventually leaves so I could lay in bed and re-evaluate everything that happened.

I guess the world liked me a tiny bit because was canceled the next day for staff planning. I was allowed to wallow in bed for hours before I had to drag my but out of bed and go to work.

Work was a nice distraction, except for the little minute Lynn asked how Rey and I were going. I gave her a sad smile and said it didn't work out. She didn't pry for anything else, which I was thankful for.

Reagan and Riley both texted me multiple times. Apparently now Rey was in a bad mood and they automatically assumed it had something to do with me. I mean, they were right, but still. When I got home from work, I invited them over since I wasn't about to go over to their house.

"Hey," I give a weak smile to the Dyke twin's standing on my front porch and moved out of the doorway for them to come in. 

They both had a cautious yet curious face on, giving my mom and a quick smile as we made our way to my room. I closed the door as they sat on the bed, an uncomfortable silence filling my room.

"Wanna put the Kardashians on?" I offer and pick up the remote to my T.V.

But they both shake their head and Reagan speaks first, "We want to know what's going on, Barkley. Rey's been snapping at us and in a dirty mood, you've basically been ignoring our calls and texts and you both just look tired."

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