02 • swept off his feet

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WENDY CAN GO fuck herself! She left me sooner than the two of us had agreed on. I remember it as clear as Erwin's eyebrows. We were in the kitchen... I was cleaning the counter... subconsciously lost in pleasure... when all of a sudden, she was empty. Never have I ever felt so... betrayed.

    I was so distraught that I had retreated to my bedroom and I haven't left once in the past three days... not even to take a shit. Trust me, I'm fucking uncomfortable but too depressed to do anything about it. I knew everyone was worried about me. I heard Shitty Glasses and Bright Eyes talk about me while standing outside my door—they were the ones who brought me food now and again.

    But I didn't care. The love of my life had passed away and I was allowed to mourn.

    And then there was a knock on the door. Before I could yell at the person to leave me the hell alone, it opened and in stepped the one and only Eren Jaeger... fucking brat.

    "What do you want, asshole?!" I snapped.

    He cleared his throat. "Well, sir, um... everyone has been quite concerned about you, ever since, um..."

    I narrowed my eyes. "And your point is?"

    He shuffled his feet and I was most likely hallucinating due to constipation, but I thought I saw a small blush tint Eren's cheeks. "I got you something, sir," he finally said.

    "Why bother?" I rolled my eyes. "It's most likely going to be a piece of shit that'll break as soon as—"

    From behind his back, Eren pulled out an object that stopped me mid-sentence, an object that immediately swept me off my feet. He pulled out a broom.

• • •

this was supposed to be a one-part story but i was like, nah—why not add one more part...

the greatest LEVI ACKERMAN fanfiction ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें