Shopping with mom

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Dezzies POV

The last thing I saw before I got on the plane was Kelsey crying. I waved goodbye and began to cry. I took my seat. I could never stay awake for plane rides so I put my head phones in and pressed shuffle on my phone. Soon I was off to sleep.

I woke to the flight attendant announcing the plane was now landing. I woke up and sat strait in my chair. I took my head phones out. I look out of the plane to see such a beautiful women waiting outside the plane holding a huge sign saying " WELCOME HOME DEZIRAE!!!" I did a face palm. That must be my mom.

After I got off the women came well, ran over to me and hugged me really tight. I didn't know what to do so I just patted her back and said umm mom I can't breathe. she smiled. "Dez it's been so long let's get you home.

As we got in the car I noticed so much clothes in shoes in the back of the car. I was so exited but mad at the same time. California was beautiful. At the and same time I was mad I had to leave Texas. At first my mom said " There is my house, I mean OUR house". OH MY GOD THAT IS SO HUGE!!!. I screamed. Wait where are we going? " Oh we are going to the Mall. I hated the mall it's like crazy it's for girly girls. I prefer Walmart. As I stared out the window I saw a gigantic skatepark.

Once we got to the mall my mom put on a different pair of shoes. I laugh only making her laugh. I get out and turn around to see the hugest, biggest, gigantic mall I have ever seen. my mom brought 2,000 to spend on me. Once we got there she pulled me into a store I think called Forever 21. I noticed that some stuff was cute but other things were to girly, but of corse my mother puts the most girly stuff there. I had to admit I'm curios to try them on. When we left Forever 21 I had At least 200 things most was clothes some were shoes others were hair and jewelry things.. OH MY GOD THANK YOU THIS IS AMAZING!!!!. At this point I thought we were done shopping but NO, I was wrong. she dragged me into M.A.C. , Into Urban Outfitters , Aero Postale. I even tried Starbucks for the first time. It was amazing!! Now I decided that it was enough shopping and I was ready to go home.

~~~~~~~~~~ authors note

Hi guys I decided to do of atleast try to updates daily so yah by love you guys mwauh <3

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