Goodbye bestie

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Dezzie's POV


I wake up to a empty house. No sounds but the animals in the barn and stables. I give a weak smile while I think of all the memories here at the barn in Texas. I get up and go to the shower for today is my fathers funeral. I jump in the shower. When I get out I put on a black poofy short dress and I curl my hair and put on a little mascara because I never thought makeup was really needed I think everyone's beautiful in their own way. By now Kelsey and I are friends again so I grab my pennyboard and put down some dog food and water for Marley our huge German Shepard. Then I board all the way to Kelsey's house.

When I get there I just walk in to the house. I was greeted by Kelsey's older brother Kevin. " hey beautiful " he said with a smirk. Don't even try it Kevin. I say as I push past him. Kevin is 17. He is cute but I would never date him he is a jerk. plus I would never put Kelsey in that situation. all though she dated my cousin a couple years back, and may I say that was a disaster! I make my way upstairs and I don't even bother knocking so I just walked in. "ever heard of knocking"? she asked. Nope!! I say while I giggle. Well either ways Kelsey you look beautiful. " Why thank you darling, and might I say you look rather dashing yourself Dez." she said in a horrible British accent. We both laugh. It seems that Kelsey is now the only person that can make me truly happy since my father died. Well are you ready to go? I say in a low tone because I'm sad that I have to leave plus my father funeral is today. " I am ready ". she said. Okay I say as I grab the keys and my suitcases and put the suitcases is the back of the Chevy that Kelsey brother drive. I hand the keys to Kevin. "thanks babe". a Kelsey heard him and punched him in the stomach. I laugh as I get in the back of the truck.

When we get there I can't hold the tears back. my mascara starts to run. I sit down in a chair nest to my Aunt Kimberly and my cousin John. John and I have been close since we were kids. He is 18 and is like a older brother to me. I smile at john as he takes his thumb and puts it under my eyes and wipes the mascara off. Thanks for coming. I say with a faint smile. " I would never miss my uncles funeral or give up a chance to you". Awwe I say before I kiss on the cheek. later I said my final goodbyes to my dad. I kissed his forehead and said goodbye daddy I love you and miss you. A tear rolled down my Cheek. I said bye to everyone and got in the truck. Now I was on the way to the airport. We past my house one last time and I saw the animal control come and pick up the farm animals to bring them to the petting zoo. I put in my headphones to at least try to forget the things that happened today.

As we pull into the airport I start to cry. This is my last time being in Texas for a longtime. As I get out of the truck I feel a hand on my waist, I then around to see Kevin. He let's go of my waist and pulls me into a hug. I kiss him on the the cheek. "Bye babe". Bye Kevin. I say as I lightly punch him in the stomach. Kelsey was already crying. Awe Kel don't cry. " I'm going to miss you". she says inbetween sobs. Awwe ill call you everyday I promise. I say as tears start forming. " Calling last flight to California". Bye Kelsey I say as I give her my lucky bracelet and she gives me a necklace. I grab my bags and I'm now on the plane leaving my perfect well used to be perfect life. Goodbye Texas. Hello California

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