"Yes, ma'am!" Everyone replied. She began to walk off with all of us following her. that inching feeling in my stomach had started and I don't have such a good feeling about this mission overall. none-the-less I walk with my squad making small glances at each other, smiling.

the lady stops in front of a door and turns to us. "here we are." she said and pushed the door open, giving us the queue to walk in. once everyone was in the door slammed shut behind us, making us look backwards at the door.

the room was filled with chatter and clanging from other people. I had this overwhelming sense of fear with some people eyeing us off.

minute leads the wordless group on towards the people serving food. while walking I notice that phone slows down to walk with me.

"howdy old friend!" he says with a happy tone.

"I straight up don't like anyone here."I say eyeing everyone in the room.

"Yeah, me neither, stick together?" chuckling with a bright smile he raises his fist. I raise mine and bump his. "yeah."

as I smile at phone I bump into latch. I take a step back to see why he had stopped walking and we were at our destination. The lunch bar canteen thing.

I follow the others actions by grabbing a tray and selecting the food I wish for. Once done I follow the others to an emtpy table.

Placing my tray down next to phone's, I begin to start a chat with everyone. "So we start our mission today, huh"

"Ugh dont remind meeeeee ...." minute dragged out, rolling his eyes. "They barely gave us any information. I say thats bullshit to me."

"Gotta hand it to ya minute, its like you read my mind sometimes!" Phone joked.

"Do you think we will die??" Latch asked, weakly. I honestly didn't know. They didn't give us much information in the first place.

"Most of us will.." spider replied. The air grew thick with his sly comment. I gave him this sick glare saying "this isnt the moment". He then went back to his tray of food while we quitely did the same.

I ended up losing the stomach to eat the rest of the food so I pushed the tray away. I knew I needed it for my... mission but i just couldn'teat it without having the feeling i was going to vomit.

I looked up at everyone else as they munched away at their food. Phone and minute seemed to be enjoying their food with minimal worry, whil they others were a bit tense. I would say I was also tense. I haven't been a cadet for long. Im suprised that I even got a spot here in the first place. Maybe they just needed people who can fight. Hell do i care, it$s my first mission and hopefully not my last.

I looked around at the other tables with the thought of "as many people they could get". Yet there were only the 40 people I had seen last night. Why did we have so little people here? Now I was really thinking into this, i will tell phone about this later. See what he thinks about this whole thing.

"AHEM, attentoon up here if you would please" a roughly tall man shouted. His grey hair mixed in with his brown hair. "You will be deployed in a forest at points. You will report anything you see in a book. Set up your camp and scout around, take notes! We don't have men to replace you so make sure you dont die on us!"

I turned around and gave everyone a look. The mission didn't seem that hard.

"Groups ALPHA and BETA will be placed in the south side of the forest. ALPHA at site A while BETA at site B. Approximately 25 miles away!" The man continued, "now if you see one of those creatures we showed you then click the butten on this device!" He held up a walki-talki like box with 6 buttons on it.

"It will give us the information of where you are!" He shouted more so everyone heard his important life saving message. He went on to the other groups and how they were on the north, west and east side. I payed less and less attrntion as he went on.

Soon realising that he was not going to say anhthing more related to me or the group I turned around. Giving everyone a sly smile yet again to hide my doubt of this mission. Phone and minute were the only ones who replied with a propper smile. Latch tried his best to hide his anxiety while spider didn't even try to smile. 

As time passed we soon were guided out of the lunch room to get suited up and head out. The feeling in my gut gave out that vibe of worry and danger. I didn't like to admit it but I felt a bit of fear within me grow more and more. Becoming bigger.

I gulped as I suited up with these thoughts in my head. I looked over at phone who was originally looking at me. He gave a weak smile knowing that I wasn't myself. Even though we had only met last night he felt like a brother to me. He made the feeling on my stomach fade almost alway.... almost.

WAR //yautja x human reader\\حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن