42|| expelled and explaining

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The last two days in L.A I spent with the Orlando's. The Hayden and I situation is getting out of hand so I go live as soon as we get home.

"Hey guys. I'm going to wait a little longer for more people to join." I say placing my phone on my desk.

I change and then explain everything.

"So Hayden and I did not hook up, we didn't make out. We just hugged. Before Hayden and Annie went their separate ways, I got along with Hayden. So that night in Universal was the first time I had seen him since him and Annie broke up. We hugged because we had talked everything out." I say.

Some of the comments were like preach queen and then others were like Evie is a backstabbing 'friend' to Annie.

I stay live for a little longer but then I unpack and go to check my emails.

I have one from the dance school.

Dear Evelyn Deyes.
We are sorry to inform that you are expelled from Brighton Dance Academy. From many complaints and situations that you have been in you will not be continuing the term. There must be punishments for your actions.

Ms Jukes

My laptop falls onto my bed. Expelled. What did I do.

I don't even realise the tears on my cheeks.

I wipe them away and closed my email tab. I put on Netflix and binged Netflix way into the day. I'm pretty sure Zoë and Alfie we're taking naps.

Seb. I'm sorry.

What's wrong hunny?

I've been expelled.


What happened?

I was called into the office since I spend every second with you in that building. They asked me about you.

Oh I gtg lunch.

I lied. I didn't want to talk to anybody right now so I continued with Netflix.

"You okay Evie?" Zoë asks walking into my room.

My curtains were closed and the only light was my laptop.

"You look like you broke up with somebody." She says.

"Felt like it." I sigh. "I seen the email."

"Oh darling." She says getting into bed beside me and hugging me.

"I didn't do anything." I cry.

"I know. They explained more in the parents email. I know for a fact none of that could have been you." She says rubbing my back.

Tomorrow was Monday. What was meant to be my first day back after L.A.

"How about we order Chinese and binge some Disney movies." She says.

I nod and she runs out to order the Chinese food.

I was going to have to stop the school for a while anyway with your. I guess it's just a little early and not expected. I also can't go back to it.

Alfie helps bing duvets down so we are all sat in the lounge surrounded in duvets watching Mary Poppins. Then after that was the greatest Showman. Today was jus not my day.

The Journey Ahead  \\Sequel to ABZ// Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant