13//Baby Sitting

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It's Valentines Day. I wake up to the delightful sound of knocking on my door. So delightful, I know. I tie my hair back and wipe the sleep out of my eyes. I open the door and Max is standing their with a massive teddy bear, roses and a white paper bag.

"Is this?" I ask my hands covering my mouth.

"Hey cutie." He replies.

"You are just amazing. Come in." I say wiping tears from the corners of my eyes. He brings everything in and sets it down. He then lifts me up and twirls me around.

"Excited Mills. Aren't you." I laugh wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I am. Firstly though. Let's eat these donuts." He says placing me down.

Take a picture and post it to my Instagram

"I know they aren't dum dum donuts but I swear they are the next best thing

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"I know they aren't dum dum donuts but I swear they are the next best thing." He says sitting beside me on the bed.

"Thank you. So so much." I say then kissing him on the cheek.

We dig into the donuts laughing at the mess of the icing was making on our faces. After Donuts we wash our faces.

"I also brought us soemthing to watch." He says taking out his laptop.

"I know you don't like romance films that much so I know the next best thing. The Bee Movie!" He cheers
(A/n hugely suggest the bed movie. You can get it on Netflix aswell.)
I laugh as he turns it on.

I snuggle up to him as it starts to play.

He kisses my head and runs his fingers through my hair. Playing with some of the strands.

As the movie plays I look up at Max. He's just staring off into the distance. Once and a while He with glance down at our intertwined hands and smile. I smile laying back down against him. We finish the movie and as he sleeps. Yes he fell asleep. I shower and change into

I unlock the bathroom door after doing my makeup

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I unlock the bathroom door after doing my makeup. It's the weekend so that's why there was no Playlist stuff on.

"You look. Absolutely amazing!" He smiles taking me in his arms.

The Journey Ahead  \\Sequel to ABZ// Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt