She wont act like that

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Steven walked down the boardwalk with one doughnut in his hand and his phone in the other.
-I probably should call her-
He thought to himself has he took a sizable bite from his doughnut but then quickly dropped it from his hand as his phone began to ring, it was Connie.
Steven panicked and ran a round like someone else would answer the phone for him but he was alone on the boardwalk.
"H-hey Connie."
Steven answered the phone with hesitation and made his way over to a bench.
"Hi, Steven! I just got home from school are you doing anything with the crystal gems?"
Connie was eager to go on missions with them and fight with Steven more, she loved the thought of just being able to protect him.
"O-oh no, we can't go on this mission it's to dangerous, so I'm just at the boardwalk."
Connie noticed the tone of voice Steven put on, he wasn't as happy as he usually is.
"Steven, are you alright?"
Connie asked concerned, Steven wanted to tell her the truth he just wanted to say "oh by the way I'm trans" and hang up but he had to tell her in person.
"Hah, yeah sorry I'm fine, I'll be here if your coming to the boardwalk."
Connie didn't believe Steven but she didn't want to make him uncomfortable or make him talk about it when he clearly didn't want to.
"Oh, okay, I Guess I'll see you there! Bye Steven."
Steven knew Connie was trying to be extra happy to make Steven feel better, not gonna lie it did a little.
Moments later, Steven was still at the boardwalk, watching the seagulls get to his food and watching for Connie.
Until someone faintly taped his shoulder, is was Connie.
Steven turned fast and almost jumped from the bench until relived to see Connie.
"Sorry, Steven I wasn't trying to scare you."
Connie was a little though, anyway she took a seat next to Steven.
"It's okay Connie." The recently startled boy sat comfortable next to Connie until he remembered what he wanted to say to Connie.
It was silent for a long time, Connie watching the tide come in and out and Steven thinking of how he should tell her he's trans.
The silence was quite comfortable for the both of them, it was the kind that let others just enjoy the moment and it was nice but Connie still tried to make small talk after a couple few minutes passed.
"So the sky sure is-"
Connie was cut off by Steven
"Connie I have something I need to get off my chest."
Connie, surprised, looked at Steven with interested eyes and leaned closer.
"What is it?"
Steven panicked, what does he say?? What should he do??
He just looked at her for a solid minute then blurted "It's- I-" Steven then remembered his talk with Sadie, she was so supportive, Connie hopefully will be too.
Connie asked concerned as Steven's eyes watered and his fists locked him his hands.
Steven asked looking up at her beautiful chestnut skin and he eyes shine so beautifully like a brown lake.  Connie put her hand on his shoulder and tilted her head.
"Whatever you wanna tell me I won't think any less of you, you know that right? You're still Steven." Connie tried to comfort him with whatever he was going through and she just wanted to know what was going on to help him.
"Well, Connie.. I understand if you don't wanna be friends after what I tell you and-"
Steven was cut off by Connie grabbing his hands, when Steven looked up her eyes where shiny with tears and she looked at Steven with the most serious face she's ever given.
"Steven how could you say that? How could you think that? We're best friends and anything you say, I will never stop being your friend. Steven your scaring me, did you hurt someone?" Connie looked at Steven, her eyes so scared and concerned.
"Did you hurt yourself??"
Connie started to examine him with her eyes and hands, drawing her hands across his arms and face looking for wounds.
She now was dripping with tears and that made Steven start to cry a little, she laid her hands on his cheeks and just looked into his brown eyes, they had such a beautiful pink undertone.
"Connie, connie I'm-I'm probably know what that is knowing you...but listen, I don't want you to feel uncomfortable around me now so if you just want to, like I don't know, not really be friends I understand."
Steven's eyes where closed and his fists balled, Connie's fingers slid to his eyes to wipe of the tears and she put on hand in his hand, she was near sobbing and she understood completely but was so angry that Steven thought she would just ditch him for being transgender.
"Steven... You're my best friend, nothing you do will ever change that, well I mean unless you kill someone or something- but that's not the point the point is" Connie was looking away while talking, a natural instinct for her to turn away. But she turned to Steven,she loved his face, his chubby little cute face always made her smile.
"You're my best friend, and I really mean that I love you. I don't care if you where born in a different gender! You're still Steven and you still saved the world like a bunch of times!"
Connie stared into his eyes like they where the only thing holding her down to this earth, the brown-pink eyes with tears pouring down his face, making his eyes shine brighter than ever.
Steven's jaw was hung open like a cute little puppy and he looked at Connie, she was so beautiful to him, all he ever wanted was crafted into a person, Connie.
Steven couldn't say anything, he was just sitting there, tears flowing from his face and Connie was just smiling as the salty tears entered her mouth.
Connie just rushed into Steven's arms, Steven longed for her embrace.
Hugging back, Steven's pink gem flowed over there cheeks and dappled their eyes, they closed in and as there eyes opened they felt something familiar, they felt an experience.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2018 ⏰

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