After half an hour of reading my eyelids were becoming really heavy but they were snapped open as I heard a voice from outside. I got up from my bed and walked towards the hall on my tip toes. "Are you sure he's not here?" A male voice sounded, it wasn't familiar.  

"Yes, he's working tonight." Another male voice spoke. They were behind the front door and I knew it wasn't locked, I froze at where I was standing. I didn't know if I had to go lock it or hide behind something. "Be quick." The voice spoke again and I chose the second option because a click noice came from the door. 

I quickly grabbed my phone and hide inside of my closet. I could hear that they were inside of the house, I heard their foorsteps and whispers. I held my phone up to call 999, my hand was shaking so bad I couldn't even see the numbers straight. One of them was walking closser and my breathing sounded so loud all of a sudden. "Sage, come here." the man said and I raised my head up to peak from the crack of the closet. They both were standing in the hall and I regocnized the blonde haired one. It was that guy who was on the ring with Zayn. 

"He's not living alone." the other guy said. "This can't be his room."

"No, this one is his." Sage got away from my sight and I heard both of them got into Zayn's room. "Search everywhere." I heard Sage said. 

I realized I was sitting there like an idiot instead of calling for help, frozen whilst two stranger was in my house and up to something about my brother. I shook my head to bring my mind back and went to text messages quickly with shaky fingers. 

'Sage and another guy in my house help me!' 

And my finger hit the send button, it was almost funny how I texted him instead of calling the police. But I knew he was going to be here before the police could, the guy I believed every word he said was lies was going to be here to save me, I trusted him.

He was going to come here, wasn't he? What if he didn't have his phone with him? I was stuck here with two strangers and what if they found me? And kill me or rape me? What if-

"Do you think we should check this one?" The guy stood in front of my door and I help my breath. "Maybe he put them in here to confuse." 

"Maybe." Sage followed after him and they both got into my room. The other guy opened my sheets and grabbed my pillow, squeeze it like he was searching for something inside. There was tears in my eyes and my head was spinning because of holding my breath so long. "The closet." The guy said and pointed right at where I was. No. 

Sage walked closer and closer, with every step he took my heart beat was fastening, there was no text from Harry and I didn't even know what else to do, it was too late to make another call. I should've called Delia, why was I such an idiot. I hide my phone under my clothes quickly. As the door of my closet slowly opened I too opened my mouth to scream on top of my lungs but nothing came out, like I lost my voice. 

Sage's eyes widened as he saw me, I could see the shock on his expression before it turned to a smirk. "Look what I just found Chris." he said, looking really pleased.  

"If you touch me I swear I'll kill you!" That was the most stupid thing I said, I was unarmed and shaking so hard and never killed anybody before. One very small against two really big. I had no chance but I wasn't looking like a scared rat even if I was scared as hell. 

Sage let out a laugh but the other one, named Chris, was looking terrified. "Who said something about touching you, beautiful?" Sage spoke. "Get out of there so we can have a decent conversation." 

I shook my head no, it was somehow making me feel safe in the closet. "Get out!" Sage roared and grabbed my arm, pulled me up and out of the closet. I was on my feet in the room and couldn't hold my tears back anymore. 

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