Chapter 12: A Great, Short Reunion

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(Lara, Nathan and Trevor were running through the jungle while it was dark.)

Lara: "So, Sully and the others are now looking for the General and also we're still trying to locate the golden mask?"

Trevor: "That's right and I bet the General has it in his office."

Nathan: (Whispers) "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Stay down. There are guards down below us and there is a lot." (They crouched behind a leafy bush and saw guards walking around the restricted gates.)

Trevor: "How do we approach this?" (Lara took out her bow, took an arrow out of her quiver and nodded.)

Lara: "We're going to use stealth, of course." (She shoots one in the head from afar and the guard fell down and then down below Sam, Rico, Samantha and Sully were taking out the guards silently and Trevor saw them as well and smiled.)

Trevor: (Whispers) "Hey, I see them! Grandpa Sully and the others."

Nathan: (Whispers) "Good. Let's get down there." (They all hopped down towards the dirt and quickly went across where the guys were.)

Rico: (Whispers) "Hey, amigos. You're not dead."

Nathan: (Whispers) "I was wondering when we crossed paths again."

Sam: (Whispers) "Hey, Nate." (He smiled.)

Nathan: (Whispers) "Hey, brother. You guys okay?"

Sam: (Whispers) "Still in one piece. I see that Lara is walking again."

Lara: (Whispers) "Yep, long story." (Samantha grabbed her hand.)

Samantha: (Whispers) "I'm just glad you're okay. That's all that matters."

Sully: (Whispers) "The only person that's missing is Isabelle Rosa Croft."

Sam: (Whispers) "We might see her. I don't want us to separate again."

Rico: (Whispers) "He's right. Separation can lead to bad things. Don't worry, Nate. I already sent out a recon search team to locate your daughter. She shouldn't be too hard to locate." (Nathan nodded and Lara smiled.)

Nathan: (Whispers) "Thanks, Rico. I appreciate it. Now, let's get to the General, get this city back under your control, Rico, grab the mask and get away from here as fast as possible."

Sully: (Whispers) "Yes. We really need to get moving. I have a feeling once we get passed those restricted gates, the big office building shouldn't be too far."

Sam: (Whispers) "Then what are we waiting for? Let's move before more guards show up." (Rico lead the way and the others followed behind him, steathily and trying not to alert anyone.)

(End of Chapter 12: A Great, Short Reunion)

So sorry for the longest update in the history of updates! Also sorry if this chapter was a real short one as well. I hope you guys like this chapter and I will see you later! Next Chapter coming later. 😁😄😉

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