Chapter 11: Not The Most Pleasant Escape

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(Back to Isabelle and the other kids unlocking their cells and the kids did it.)

Isabelle: (Whispers) "Great job. Now, some of us need to get to the weapons locker without being seen." (Some of the kids raised their hands.)

Isabelle: (Whispers) "Okay, go and be careful." (The kids nodded and slowly got out of their cells. They steathily saw the door that lead to the corridor and one of them opened it. The girl looked both ways and saw two guards sleeping. She gestured them to keep moving and to go inside the weapons locker room and they did. The boys went into their lockers and began to pass AK 47's to them and pistols. The other girl ran in and passed the weapons to the kids.)

Isabelle: (Whispers) "Excellent job, you three. We have to hide them under our mattresses and wait for the right moment to strike."

Manuel: (Whispers) "Sounds good." (Suddenly, a door opens and Eliza walked in to check on the kids.)

Eliza: "Why are you all not sleeping? Get to sleep!" (Isabelle was about to lie down, until Eliza spoke.)

Eliza: "Except our new prisoner. I would like to have a word with you in my office." (Manuel shook his head.)

Manuel: (Whispers) "Isabelle, don't do it. She'll kill you."

Isabelle: (Whispers) "No, she won't. I'll be fine." (Eliza unlocked the cell door and opened it for Isabelle.)

Eliza: "Come on. Follow me." (Isabelle got up and followed Eliza to her office and the kids were worried that Isabelle will get hurt.)

Boy #3: "What do we do?"

Manuel: "We do what Isabelle says. We wait until the right moment."

Sera: "She won't get hurt, right?"

Manuel: "No. She is really brave. She knows what she is doing." (Eliza opened the door to her office and it was fancy for a rude chief like her. Isabelle thought that it would be dirty, considering that she's in a worn out prison.)

Eliza: "Sit down and I'll return with you shortly." (She ran towards the bathroom and Isabelle went to look around to find anything about this 'Eliza.' (She saw photos on a bookcase and looked at each one. There was one when she was a child and then in the next photo she was with a Spanish family. There was another picture with her in a wheelchair and Isabelle noticed the wheelchair that belonged to her great grandmother Isidora. All of a sudden, there was one more picture that caught her eye and it was a picture of aging cream. Isabelle suddenly pieced all of the pictures together and noticed what the truth was. Suddenly, Eliza was leaning near the door.)

Eliza: "Do you like them? They were my most treasure memories." (Isabelle grabbed the nearest thing close to her and it was a butterfly knife.)

Isabelle: "Who are you? Are you Eliza or are you my great grandmother?" (Eliza was confused and saw the knife in her hand.)

Eliza: "I don't know what you mean. Give me the knife."

Isabelle: "Not until you give me answers! That wheelchair in that picture. It was my great grandmother's so stop lying and tell me the truth! Are you her? Are you Isidora?" (Eliza held her head up high and finally spoke.)

Eliza: "Yes, I am. I am Isidora and I used aging cream to make my appearance look younger, but I only did it to protect you."

Isabelle: "You're wrong. You were planning to kill me this entire time. Otherwise, you would've released all of these kids. You're a monster." (Isidora knocked the knife out of her hand and held her arm tightly.)

Isidora: "Yes, I am a monster and you my dear, will never survive another two weeks."

Isabelle: "Oh, we'll see, Isidora." (Isidora had a revolver at her back.)

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